i was looking at getting a Thrustmaster TH8A Shifter. i am new to a race wheel set up. are these useful or is it best to use the paddels?
Thank you!
i was looking at getting a Thrustmaster TH8A Shifter. i am new to a race wheel set up. are these useful or is it best to use the paddels?
Thank you!
Welcome to Forza Forums! I have the TMX and the TH8A and I absolutely love them. The shifter works great and is very responsive on Forza. If you are playing on console than it is “plug and play” to your Thrustmaster wheel. The paddles are nice but I recommend a stick shift. Also I would recommend getting a T3PA orT-LCM peddle set.
I would most definitely get it!
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I just recently got the th8a and have it connected to my t248, but I can’t seem to get it to work in FM. The wheel recognizes the shifter is there. Any suggestions?
The TH8A is a solid shifter. I use it on PC with a Fanatec setup. I only needed something to coordinate my timing because, I was shifting using the wheel mounted paddles and the clutch pedal. For some reason I couldn’t get the timing down no matter how much I practiced. Once I got a shifter, manual with clutch became second nature.
As far as shifters go, the TH8A is probably the most dependable shifter on the market. It can take a beating and still work flawlessly. It may not have as many bells and whistles as some other shifters, but it is a far cry from the worst thing on the market, IE some of the pack-in shifters from PXN. I initially got the TH8A as a hold over until I saved up for a replacement. That was a few years ago, and to be honest, I see no need to replace this shifter. It does the job without fail.
There are better shifters out there, but the TH8A is a darn good entry level shifter. Just make sure you can catch it for $150 or less.
Thank you very much for your relevant feedback. However I have a question: do you think TH8A shifter works properly when connected via USB to PC, in particular in H-mode? Many thanks in advance.
Yes. That is exactly how my TH8A is connected to my PC. And manual with clutch is H-pattern shifting.