Well peeps 3 weeks in so how’s the game treating you are you a lover. a hater or just indifferent as for myself I love it but there are a few things I just had to get of my chest.
Number one the game is great the graphics are great and the gameplay is great so it’s all great then, however following all the hype I wanted to be amazed to be totally blown away and you know something I just am not. My hope is that it with the addition of being able to play it on the XBoneX that this will make the game the totally amazing experience I hoped it was going to be.
Number two, well as per the norm the game released with problems that were to easy to see and deal with but weren’t. the biggy for the Forza fanatics was the confusion over VIP players suddenly finding that the main reason for becoming a VIP was not included in the Forza 7 VIP pack that being earning double credits. Come on Turn 10 do you seriously believe we buy VIP status for the special rivals events, no it was not maybe it’s for the occasional special VIP car or paint hell no it’s for the double credits so we can buy cars faster, tune them more and paint the heck out of them. However as release probs go this is a long way from being anywhere as bad as some of the debacles that have occurred with others titles releases.
Number three was it to much to believe that the game released would be the full game and we would not be left hanging waiting for the auction room to be opened or being allowed to access our storefronts and why are we waiting for Forza 7’s first Forzathon along with the other small niggly things that just leave the game feeling just a little unfinished. Come on Turn 10 surely being able to access the games full arsenal should be something that is there from day one after all we paid for the privilege so maybe in future we should have full access to the game and not be left feeling like a bunch of beta testers refused access to the good parts of the game.
Enough bitching though because the game is great I love it and if the XBoneX does what I expect it to do then the game will be the totally devastating experience I had hoped it would be.
PS Why didn’t you release Forza 7 alongside the XBoneX because the way i’m going I might just have completed the game before I even get my XBoneX Scorpio Edition.