I am putting out this message to see how many people would be interested in running the Cruise around the World. I have a few groups that have asked me that ran in the other two games.
We ran a set of endurance races in Forza 3 where we drove across the United states in teams of two to cover the mileage from California to New York. In Forza 4 we ran The Return as we went from New York to Cali. I can’t pull up the Legacy post on the forum and my laptop died with the results from the previous races. I believe we had around 24 endurance races (12 races for each team member) to cover the 3,300 miles.
I am considering doing The Cruise around the World this time. One endurance race on each longest version of each map. Due to the new settings in Forza 5 we would be unable to set up credits being given to the top three teams. We also had to use one car for the whole event and send it back and forth with the same tune. That is also not an option without the storefront.
We had simulation turned on and used to race the A.I in all different classes. We will still have the simulation on and can just put the “drivatars”.
We are considering Co-op where both team members will be in each race and it would be a two hour timed race with total miles added between the team for results. Co-op wont work for lap races since time restraints could keep one member from not finishing. If we go the standard way, then both teammates would take turns with events and total time would determine the winner.
If you total your car and cant finish at any time you will either have to start over from race one or your last finished race would be your results.
I am thinking GT cars this time around as we did Muscle cars last time.
If we get enough interest I will set it up and monitor the results. if anyone would like to help just let me know. If you’re interested and don’t have a partner I am sure you could find one in this thread.
How many people are up for this? Add you name to the list and if you have a partner. Also please give feedback on whether you prefer co-op or taking turns racing. I like the idea of co-op but it could be a problem having both racers available at the same time for a two hour race. We gave 90 days to finish last time so there will be plenty of time for completion
Hey HotTubMan,
It sounds interesting but I’m confused a little. Is this for Forza 5 or Forza Horizion.
You want to drive 3,3000 miles within 90 days? Is itfor an in game achievement.?
If I can help you get something I will, I will do the 3,300 miles in less than one day with the Lotus E21.
If its GT only, I wouldn’t be able to help you.
Do we race each individual track so many times or what way does it all work.
For example 10 long full circuit tracks, 300 laps on each? Is the max not 50 laps or can it be set higher.
Can you elaborate more please?
this is for Forza 5. The 3300 miles we did were in Forza 3 and 4. I thought this time we would do each of the main tracks that have a pit stop once and throw in a few great variations of some others to total around 24 races . If we go by laps it will try to estimate the races to make them around 1:30-2hrs.
I hope that makes sense. Each track with all damage on for close to two hours apiece. We will verify with either xbox record that or upload pictures to the site. The last times the teams actually add a little story with their adventure getting across the county. Cruising around the world could make for some interesting blogs
I don’t think you can race for 2 hours on FM5 HotTubMan unless you are doing GT. I would only be interested if it was the Lotus open wheel E21. I’m new to the game and I just bought it for the open wheel F1 and Indy cars. I have little or no experience with the other cars. Being honest, personally I find them a bit slow. I don’t say that being mean to Turn 10 or to disrespect the players who love the lower tier D C B A S R cars in FM5, they’re really good cars but I like the high sensations of speed. Since I got the game I have basically used the Indy Car and F1. If I play the game in lower tiers it feels like I’m crawling around. I guess I messed up the game for myself. I done it backwards
But if you were going to use the F1 Lotus E21 I’d be interested surely.
No worries HotTubMan.
I’ll keep an eye on your thread for future developments. I can see how racing with the F1 could prove to be a short race especially with damage on. even if there is no competitor crashes, running wide into walls could end all very quickly. Being honest, I don’t think many people like racing the Lotus E21, not in races anyway. I think most people just use them for a quick hotlap here and there but I like them lots.
No worries if you decide on a GT class car or others, I may not take part but I wish you and all the best of luck.
It will be 24 total endurance races that you will have 90 days to complete. Plenty of time to run what ever days you can.
We made some practice runs due to the new settings in Forza 5 and the co-op timed racing worked real well. Decided to keep the races to 1hr 45 min each with total miles between both drivers as the total for each heat. As long as we can find a partner for everyone whom time schedules work out then I am leaning toward co-op since it was a blast last night in practice runs. If schedules conflict to much for teammates, then we can run solo of 12 races for each member of the two man teams. Still feeling that part out.
I will give this a few more days to give others a chance to sign up… Racers can also join in after we start but it ends 90 days after we start or when everyone involved finishes. Which ever comes first.
i would like to do this i have no partner but if i can find one tht would love to do this add my on xbox1 an just let me know in a few days advanced when the race will start an i will reply if im still in or not my partner will most likly be a friend of mine cronikhaze or judge joe white an i could get the ers crew to come in sum still might be in the compettive scene
I added you zBoNY to my friends list. I will give everyone that has posted a pm and xbox live message when the tracks and specs are up for the race.
I am considering a Labor day launch, but I am booked solid and might have to wait one week later. I will let everyone know.
I will also put team members into groups so anyone looking for a teammate will see who is also looking, or if you find someone let me know in a post so I can update the team list.
I am hoping to get at least five teams before we start but I am working on the track setup now.
The two teams we have together want to run regardless so I will set it up.
We had a big demand for the other two games and I am not sure if it’s because of the new forum setup - I didn’t even know there was a Racers Lounge- or not as many people bought Forza 5 due to the xbox one purchase.
Regardless of the amount of entries we will run so I will get this setup.