Greetings fellow painters,
while importing and uploading some of my FH4 designs I stumbled about a problem I want to bring your attention to. To explain the problem I’ve to go back a little further. So bear a minute with me, please.
In FH4 I always had the LOD (Level of detail) for the cars and environment set to “Ultra” and never touched it. All my designs were created using this setting. When I started FH5 I simply kept the recommended settings and soon started to realise that something is wrong as some of the shapes/groupes with my designs were distorted. At first I thought it simply has to do with a “shoddy” port from 4 to 5 but after further investigation I found the actual issue. Which was that the recommended LOD setting was only set to “High”. The result was that some designs looked like the following.
Detail level “High”
As you can see certain things like the BMW logo, the M4 writing and the stripes don’t line up or are distorted. This puzzled me quite a lot. Especially because a buddy told me that this is not the case for him if he’s looking at my car. At this point it dawned on me that it must have something to do with the (different) LODs we were seeing. So I went into my settings an bumped them up to “Ultra” again and low and behold everything lined up perfectly again.
Detail level “Ultra”
What that means for us painters should be clear. Do NOT create any designs with a LOD setting below “Ultra”!!! Except if you want to specifically cater to players which are using lower settings.
I unfortunately have no clue what levels the consoles run as I’m on PC but it’s very well possible that at least the old(er) ones can’t display “Ultra” or even “Extreme” details. Maybe somebody can fill me in on this?
I’d really like to get your feedback on this in general. Like for example. Was this already the case with FH4 and is a known issue or should this be reported as “bug”? What do you plan to do now? Will you just ignore this issue, take care of it by maybe even creating multiple designs for different LODs and so on and so forth?
Thank you for reading.