The FH5 Golden Tank Awards | Winners announced

Get ready for the first-ever Forza Horizon 5 “Golden Tank Awards”!

We’re celebrating community creativity with FH5’s EventLab by having you the community nominate your fellow creators. Head to this link to submit your nominations:

To submit a nomination you’ll need the Title of the EventLab and the Share Code found in the game menu. You can visit the form multiple times to nominate additional EventLabs. The form will be closed on Tuesday, January 10, 2023 7:59 AM

There are 5 categories of awards:

  • Best Photo Location
  • Best Drift Event
  • Best Race Event
  • Best Custom Ruleset
  • EventLab Creation of the Year

An internal panel of judges will review each nomination as a potential finalist, resulting in 5 winning players and 5 winning EventLabs.

Selected finalists will be announced in January 2023.

The selected winning players will be notified in January 2023, with their winning EventLabs announced in late January 2023. Each winner will receive a physical Golden Tank trophy and have their EventLab featured in the Forza Horizon 5 “PG Editors’ Choice” tab within the Event Blueprints menu.


With all due respect, shouldn’t internal resources of PGG be used for more important efforts than judging for “Golden Tank” trophies that nobody is clamoring for?

Like…I don’t know…maybe fixing bugs, designing better content, creating varied playlists, fixing leaderboards, fixing online issues? Stuff like that maybe?

Seems a bit of a tone-deaf thing to do after all the recent criticisms and frustrations with PGG efforts.

Just my 2.5 cents of course.


Apparently, useless things like this are more important than fixing their game.

Playground making games is like Ferrari making a strategy. They both manage to screw it up.


Holy moly, you might be on to something!

Who is the creative director for FH5?
(M)ike (B)rown.

Who was the team principal for Ferrari F1 until very recently?
(M)attia (B)inotto

The plot thickens…


Here is a better idea, instead of giving out some trophies, which will inevitably end up in someones closet and forgotten about, why not let the winners pick out any car that they want. Like a hard to find car or something. Just my thoughts…


Seems like we have to do a heck of a lot of homework to even nominate people/events. I don’t know about everyone else, but I literally just finished college a week ago, and I don’t want anymore homework for a long time if ever.


Fix the game instead of wasting time with this kind of stuff…


Hmm let’s see. Sifting through player-made event labs is a chore, the favourites system doesn’t always work, and even when it does, there is no way to organize it. The creative hub is flooded with cheats and work-arounds and following a creator results in your friends and followed being flooded with all of the regular non-custom events they make because PGG didn’t think for 5 seconds and just went ahead and made sharing all events automatic.

Yet another unfinished system that PGG eagerly pats themselves on the back for. At least this one has gotten actual support in the form of new props. It’s not the support it needs (what’s the point of new props if interacting with the system is a nightmare?) but it’s better than the irrelevant fluff or nothing the rest of the game has gotten.

Yeah I agree with the others in this thread. This is undeserved self-indulgence.


I guess for me, the unfortunate part of all of this is the fact that all the underlying issues & concerns eclipse an attempt from the team to recognize the efforts of the community who have legitimately invested time & effort to create shared content as part of the game.


Oh I totally agree, but how am I supposed to promote the best content when finding the best content is an unmitigated disaster?

Not the community’s fault but still we got bigger fish to fry.

The worst part is there is some truly excellent stuff out there, they’ve just made it impossible to find in client. It’s buried under reams of cheats and low-effort crud. I mean I am not a good creator. Seriously, I’ve seen plenty of stuff that blows what I make out of the water. But my stuff is still better than 90% of the stuff on the creative hub. At least I think about stuff like drivability, visual cues, and preventing overaggressive cuts. I’m not trying to be down on the community, we all have to start somewhere, but I can’t even start my own curation process because the tools they give us are horrible and don’t actually work.

Eventually it just becomes too much of a pointless slog, where effort is under-rewarded, driving me away and back to traditional developer made content. And I’m just talking about the process of finding content. Never mind creating content only to have it immediately drowned in the deluge of cheat blueprints. But that’s a little less PGG’s fault.


I’ve also not done much in the way of blueprint events, but I have created a race route as well as a water photo studio, both of which I spent a considerable amount of time on, but I didn’t encounter any of the issues I’ve seen described, despite having a large number of props for each.

I completely agree about the spammed amount of simple “cheat” events, which detracts from some of the high quality content out there. I think some of this is generated out of “need” for missing or required content. As an example, once we got into the holiday season, I couldn’t find any smashable snowmen to complete the Mazda accolade so I created a quick blueprint event for myself & shared it for others that needed it, so I guess I’m also guilty from that standpoint, but it wasn’t intended as such. Had there been snowmen in the various locations along with the candy canes & Christmas trees, there wouldn’t have been a need.


Just a little though. I know if the thing worked better I’d be more interested in creating and honing my own skills and efforts. I know what an ordeal it is to try to make something worthy of the title “creative” and have nothing but respect for those who actually stick with it and complete something. Yes there is a lot out there that deserves to be recognized but it’s hard to find as you note.

I appreciate the idea behind the awards but yeah, it comes off as a bit tone deaf here, probably more to the fact that the devs have been so deaf, or at least mute, to our concerns for so long. At least publicly. If there had been more open and responsive dialogue that might not be the case.

I’m also jaded enough to imagine the “winners” will be some ballot stuffed “popular” pick or otherwise lackluster “winner” but I hope I’m wrong. Guess we’ll see in the new year, if we’re all still here playing.


Come on guys, don’t “derail the thread”…



I can feel your finger floating over the flag icon :smile:
Seriously though, all topic relevant I think & generally a good discussion


I’m sure this is purely wishful thinking but if an event wins that is just a good circuit/sprint to drive how about converting it into a proper event?

Like another Midnight Battle for example that could then debut in the next series with either a new/returning exclusive as the opponent + prize such as the DeLorean.


I couldn’t have said better but bear in mind that the team doesn’t care

Fingers plugging their ears to all the bugs and complaints of the game, hey let’s crowdsource awards! What does a tank have to do with forza, a golden (any car) would make more sense?


Maybe it’s a fuel tank?

Or maybe it’s symbolic that the developers are admitting the game is officially “In the Tank”.

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Apparently. Sorta. Maybe ?

It’s the Tankito mascot, which I think is supposed to be a gas pump. Which when introduced I originally thought " Cool, the devs actually found a genuine Mexican automotive themed mascot ! " (albeit thinking they must have spelled it wrong, expecting it would be Tanquito or some such, but what do I know right lol). Only… come to find now, there doesn’t seem to be anything of the such. All I seem to find is an Arizona grocery company :thinking: I’m sure legal made sure they weren’t infringing on any trademarks… right ?

EDIT : hmm, maybe that’s why they’re calling it the Golden Tank now instead of the Golden Tankito ?

In any case, yeah, that’s the prize, some made up gas station mascot paperweight. Yay ?

…at least I’m presuming it’s big enough to be a paperweight. Maybe it’s more of a key fob ? I dunno. Maybe it’ll even be actually gold, or gold plated, or gold painted ? Maybe not.

I know you’re trying do a fun comp, but it is so hard to find actual recent and decent event labs. I wish you could create the option of taking a photo in photo mode and uploading that as your cover photo for the eventlab so we can get a better idea of what it is.

example of trending today:

  • The Stadium Build stub race was literally a 1 lap race around the stadium and finishes in the grass (took about 20 seconds)
  • So many of these 0 sec races pop up in trending and best of the month. Why do people play these if they dont like racing?
  • The Festival drag strip with Hypercars; the AI all smash/swerve at the start and then they break suddenly at the end of the strip because of the route the creator made. 20 second race still doesn’t work properly.
  • the Mulege Drift one was okay, but there’s no point scoring system for drifting (which is not the creators fault, setting up rules in eventlab are so confusing)
  • Another 4 events on Trending just had the default name “Emerald Circuit” and default description which puts me off in trying them cause it makes me think they haven’t done anything to them.
  • One was Chinese or Japanese so couldn’t understand it.
  • 4 others highlighted blue were just drag races
  • “Car Tests” was literally just another route using the whole highway

example of the best of the month:

Best of the month was a mixed bag (Link City was amazing) ; the first 2 on the left are by the same crappy creator. Holiday one is literally farming skill points, and their 2nd one is another 0 sec race and they have multiple other “Really Fast” eventlabs which come up in the top 15. he says he’s a youtuber on his description cards which is the only reason why his cards are coming up. I don’t get why 0 sec races are best of the month. I’ve highlighted the ones is red that should def be removed from “best of the month”, there may be others but I didn’t try them all.

All time greats are fantastic but its mostly the same 15 that have been up there for ages and the last 2 are just for farming skill points and XP. Would be nice if you could also search for more than 15 results and if all your search parameters don’t get reset every time you try out an event. or give us an option to reset search like you do for tuning and designs.