The Current State of FH5 Makes Horizon 3 Look Even Better


WTH indeed. PC port was more an afterthought than design ? I dunno.


I’ve searched long and far for a workaround. I got nothing.

It was one of the first crossbuy titles ever, so I’m not surprised the port was kind of terrible.

Shockingly, PGG then turned around and made FH4 a pretty darn good port. Just too bad the fundamental game design direction went so far down the toilet.


Still, graphics has GOT to be a big checkbox standard and TESTED. You’d think it being a flagship title and lead on exposure for cross platform release they’d WANT to make it best to showcase and sell the idea. How that got missed is a mystery.

I feel Exactly the same way with FH4 & FH5 feels Exactly the same with the acceptance of better handling physics & better tyre model but not the slick Race tyre it’s so understeery even with tuning adjustments it feels awful FH3 Has the Best handling physics & tyre model with FH2 FH4 FH5 combined whoever made those systems In FH3 are excellent & Deserve more credit all FH Games do not have the exactly the same handling physics & tyre model people I’ve played every FH & FM game they all feel Different even if it’s a small difference i just wish they Re create FM1 2 3 & 4 for Xbox one & S/X as well. i know this was long but I’m just as passionate as you are i know Many other Fans of the franchise feel the same way make your voices heard freely speak & express yourself just remember to not break forz’s code of conduct people.

FH3 was alpha FH Live Service edition then FH4 was FH Live Service and now FH5 is now FH Live Service 2

I know for a fact that I would 100% agree with it if not for the miserable design choices described in this thread. And the deformed car models for me too.
But seriously, how can such a massive studio have literal foundations for one of the best games ever created and then just… not use them and instead make a game that just makes you not want to play it? I genuinely want to enjoy it, but there’s everything you’ve metioned here and experiencing all that makes me just want to get rid of the game.

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Can we have Cassio811 as the new creative director please?


I don’t think it’s a bad idea but then people would just complain about microtransactions or label it pay to win even though you can get the cars for free.

I personally don’t see a problem with the way they distribute new or returning cars.
It takes a very minimal effort to earn 20 points for the new car of the week.
Most probably earn that many points in well under an hour.


Couldn’t agree any more with your post. the only thing you forgot about is the blatant cheating across the board in this game and how PG keeps completely ignoring it. I stopped playing the Eliminator 1,5 years ago because I was getting sick of kids teleporting their cars right to the finish line.
It also baffles me that they still didn’t make a single change to the Eliminator in almost 2 years of FH5 - what an enormous waste of potential ;/
Having said that, I don’t think we will see any significant improvements to the core gameplay. the reviews back in the days were great and 20 M+ players launched the game at least once - so they have some great numbers they can show microsoft and call it a success. their main focus is on Fable and FH6 now. All we will get for Fh5 is more of the same.


I would go so far as, we love the game more than the devs do :blush:


That @G923Logitech , is highly evident.

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It’s always hard to make judgments like this because one person in upper management can easily stifle the passion of many employees.

I look at the situation happening with Overwatch 2, and while the company deserves no mercy, it’s clear based on interviews of ex-employees that the majority of the people working on the game truly are passionate about it, but Bobby Kotick did a lot of micromanagement that was counterproductive or even at times would contradict his own orders, wiping out hundreds of hours of work.

I have no sympathy for Blizzard but I do feel sorry for a lot of those employees.

It is plausible that we aren’t free of Mike Brown’s influence yet. Removing any internal roadmap he set up would likely have wiped out a bunch of work, so I can understand them wanting to finish it even if they didn’t like it.

However, considering PGG’S origin isn’t as a racing game company, it is also possible that many of the devs aren’t passionate about the game, and there is no guarantee that the new creative director will be better than Mike Brown, though I will say that things got so bad under him that I was more than willing to roll that dice.

Point is, it’s often impossible to know how much the people working on a game care about it these days considering how easy it is for one bad upper management apple to mess things up for everyone.

That’s the main reason I’m not nearly as critical about the incoming Microsoft-Activision merger as other people are. Bobby Kotick needs to go, and while it’s unknown where things could go with someone new at the helm and Microsoft making that big of a play, getting him out of the company is worth that stretch. It should have been a unceremonious firing with no golden parachute, but as long as he’s gone, I’ll call that a win.

Source? First game they did was FH1 which was very well received…

“Playground Games announced their first project, Forza Horizon, in 2012”


It was just info off the top of my head. I believe their origin was as a company that advertised converting game engines into open world format, and they were contracted by Microsoft and Turn 10 to make the Horizon franchise. Then, eventually, they were bought by Microsoft not long before the release of FH4.

Don’t remember where I got that info from unfortunately.

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I, as a player, keep on giving this game more and more chances to improve and finally prove to be as good as I want it to be. Now take a look at the last social media posts on Forza Horizon’s official accounts.
They are proud of taking away content that was available at all times for many many years. They are proud of their awful game design. They are proud of the amount of glitches and bugs in their game. They are proud of barely if at all listening to the community. They are proud of avoiding to improve.
I’ve been playing Forza games for so long, I want to continue on playing them and praising the franchise for the good things. But looking at this just makes me want to leave. But I don’t want to leave.

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I’ll still play Forza games as long as there is a bit of comfort left, but I’m definitely not going to invest passion as much I used to.

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If I had an old xbox or a PS I’d probably play FM1 and GT from time to time. And definitely pop in an old NFSU2 game as well. So yeah, I’ll probably play forza for as long as it’s available to play. But being a live game it will probably disappear from existence eventually. But that’s just the nature of being a car guy stuck in a video game world. You make the best with whatcha got.

That’s the first time I’ve ever heard that. I’ve always heard that Playground started as a collective of Codemasters and Criteon developers who flew the nest and assimulated the remains of Bizarre Creations and Black Rock Studio, and only one of these developers had a background in open world games prior to Horizon 1’s conception.


[Staff Edit - all posts must be in English - TTMM]