The Batmobil Incident (RAESR TS '19)

Exactly! Who cares about leaderboards in this game? They are nothing but bad joke :>

Yeah I also think they are a joke but apparently there is a decent portion of players who seem to like them as per a recent poll I made:


Are you for real? . . . o.O

I have a few Morris Minors upgraded for every class so I think I’m going to use them for Open racing just for a laugh, not that bothered about winning just levelling up to get the badges.

Looks like no more open racing for me then, it was fun while it lasted but no biggie.

I think I’m going to use them for Open racing just for a laugh

That boycott of Open Racing sure lasted long. A whole 29 hours and 22 minutes.


I’m only going to be doing it to level up and unlock the badges hence using cars I don’t expect to win in,. It’s more about having a laugh as I drive around in a red and yellow painted Morris minor.

But still not in line with what you said the other day but have fun none the less

Oh I didn’t realise that my mind had to be set in stone and unable to change, guess I don’t fit in with the forums normal behaviour.

Usually a day is too short to change your mind on something. I said that I would never buy another Sony product, and 10 years later I bought a Sony camera… so 10 years is closer to the mark.

Sorry but why do you use boneshaker?

I haven’t changed my my mind as such it’s more about poking fun at those that take it so seriously by doing it in a car that actually doesn’t stand a chance I did a S1 race earlier in a Morris minor upgraded to S1 while I didn’t stand a chance of winning did manage to beat someone in a lambo and Ferrari it was quite amusing :rofl:


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One thing I found is some people don’t like getting passed by a Morris Minor they resort to ramming. :rofl:

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I’ve noticed that in just about every car I’ve ever passed some drivers in. It’s not what you’re driving :wink:

Yeah but I bet it hurts more if they are in a Lambo, Ferrari or other high end car when they slow on a corner and a Morris minor overtakes them. :rofl:

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Of course. It’s the people who are toxic, not ranked. Ranked is just a leaderboard.

sorry but why not ?

You aren’t racing against a Ferrari or Lambo, you are racing against a person who happened to choose a Ferrari or Lambo. So you probably beat some pre-teen who barely understands the concept of R = Reverse let alone finer points of racing.


These are still in nornal a class open racing? Why am I racing against one??

EDIT: Oof. I stayed in for the next S1 races and it was just me and them left. :grin: Beat ‘em back n’ blocked 'em. :+1: Now I got my flower badge. :sunglasses::cherry_blossom: Not so fast in a Vantage, eh? Smell ya later. xD :wave:

Well if they are pre-teen as you say, they probably cry about it even more, I have now taken to driving the Bentley 8 litre upgraded to S1 Class, might not be the fastest car, but its great for a relaxed cruise. :rofl: