Thanks T10 Team - Zero Issues

Wanted to send out a huge shout to the T10 Team
Ultimate Edition Pre Ordered game loaded up flawlessly (on my end) at 6:04AM Pacific Time
No Issues
No Problems
Flawlessly worked
All the Gift Cars arrived (except the Ford GT Demo Gift Which game about an hour later)
Car Garage Bonus

VIP Credits Bonus per race work fine

The game is simply amazing, I am still blown away by 24 Cars on the track, its utterly stunning

Fantastic experience so far

I know there are always a lot of complaining comments, and a lot of people that will find fault, or have issues, perhaps even have some problems getting started… and no doubt their voices will be heard.

I for one, don’t think you all at T10 get to here all the great things and the things that work perfectly as planned. So hope you are reading this and feel awesome about all your hard work, and how much it is loved by myself and countless others.

This is one Forza Faithful Friend and Fan, saying its been a perfect experience so far and the game is fantastic. Great Job!!!

Also, a shout out to all my Moderator Friends, Thank you for keeping our community the best game community out there!
This place is madness without you, so you can NEVER EVER leave! :slight_smile:


Complaining? Madness without Mods?

You clearly have not been on the PCARS forum between May and July this year. Now that was madness.

Yes very nice done, took a day off to find out it was going to be launched at 3PM, finely its time, it updated the vip/carpass/extra cars, but forza won’t start and now I read that I have to download the whole game again, 4.30 PM right now and hiphip hoera, already got 4% only a few to go, couldn’t this problem be fixed before launchdate ???

At around 7PM I had about 15% and could get started with the game, at that time still some download isseus but a little bit playable. the next morning download completed, and I must say it’s way better than 5, too bad for the starting issues, but for the game THUMBS UP T10.

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Sorry you had the problems at the start but glad it worked out and you can enjoy it now!

got the same problem as EMPTYJ4RH34D, i hate this game already…

It’s nice to know some people are having fun playing the game, while I’m here downloading the game again.

Yep, a fantastic game. I too realize that there are a select few that are having issues today. Patience is always a virtue. Matter of fact, a LIVE friend of mine since the original Xbox is experiencing the launch “issue.” It would be frustrating for sure. In any case, thanks T10! :slight_smile:

Well I’d also like to add a shout of support for T10 - I booted FM6 about an hour ago and it all went flawlessly, thank you. I did the qualifying races and I’m now up to the Super Street series.

If it helps anyone with problems getting FM6 to launch I downloaded the UE on the 4th September after it went Gold so I downloaded the full 45GB straight away - no placeholder. It took about 16 hours and I was certain it was fully installed because I watched it downloading oh so painfully slowly. Just reading Mechberg’s Support thread it looks like the download never finished for many UE drivers.

Anyhow, it’s not an easy time for all concerned, so good luck to players and developers alike.

Yes, I was one of the first who preordered and the download started right away, also that awful slowly 49 gigs but there is an problem with the downloads before august thats why a lot of people have to download it again. ;(

Quite happy too.
Only issue is that I got only 500.000 credits ( forza hub was indicating 11 millions) but it is still enough to start having fun.
Edit : I think 500.000 credits was expected as I dont have more than 200 cars in my forza games.

+1. This game looks awesome. Mine launched flawlessly this morning before work. My only complaint is I haven’t been able to play it yet.

To all the people having problems; you paid to effectively beta test a game 5 days early. Gripes should only start on launch day so shutup and enjoy.

I expected the worst since I live out in the sticks with Hughesnet service (so essentially I don’t really have internet)
However, everything loaded fine , including the 94mb update and was racing 30 minutes after launch and no issues so far. Well done! However, T10 did fail to fulfill their promise to make me a better driver…still waiting on that update!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hhahahaha, good luck with the better driving! The more you play the better you’ll get I suspect :slight_smile:

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As soon as it went Gold,i uninstalled/reinstalled
The minute it hit 11:01PM on the East Coast of Australia,it fired right up
Havent had any issues with the game at all.
Thanks T10 for a stella game!

Exactly. With the past problems, and the ill-advised global launch, I figured it would be at least Friday before it even WORKED. Everything’s not working perfectly, but everything (so far) IS working, and I’m finding that pretty impressive.

I can’t even imagine how much stuff and logistics and so forth go into a timed global launch! I’ll still impressed! (and enjoying day 2 of the game!)

I’m very thankful that everything worked flawlessly & the game is VASTLY improved over the last iteration. Hope those of you who are having problems get them sorted soon.

While at work yesterday afternoon I was worried that my game wouldn’t start, and that my FH2 vinyls wouldn’t import properly.

Fortunately once I started playing last night all of that went off without a hitch, so kudos to Turn 10 in that regard.

Only issue now is with connecting to multiplayer but it seems a number of people have that problem.

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Thanks Turn10. Absolutely no issues with the release. Everything unlocked and loaded as designed yesterday. All the credits, all the cars, full game, no crashes no bugs. Love it. The game is beautiful and plays amazing. You have far exceeded my expectations, Thank you.