Tenth Anniversary Edition Re-enable DLC Please

With Forza horizon 2 10th anniversary edition who do we need to talk to you to re-enable the ultimate DLC content package? I know it’s reached end of life but now that they have re-released it would be awesome to open up those downloads again.

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Yeah, I missed out on getting Storm Island. :-/

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I can bring you storm island. In exchange i need porsche expansion

Would be probably expensive but we are talking about the best games on Xbox! Will be great. Maybe with next Xbox and backward compatibility?

And I need rally expansion for H1 too because there is a real co-driver.

I know, it’s problematic because of licenses, but can you image Horizon collection? All 4 games in 60 FPS with all DLC stuff… and probably for $500 :smiley: I would buy it for new Xbox day 1. Something like Master chief collection but with really great games!

Come on, nobody really wants that collection? Would be completely awesome! Every Horizon campaign again. Nobody would buy PS5 then :smiley: