Welcome to the Tarmac Rally Championship: Horizon.
How it will work: Everyone will be gathered into a lobby. There may need to be a second lobby running at the same time. The lobby will be set to point to point, with no End of Race Timer. Once in the lobby, the first racer will go (Starting with S class) , and only the first racer. Then every 30 seconds, the next person will go & so on. At the end of the race, you are to post up your time here minus how long you waited at the start line. I will then sort the times, and award points accordingly.
There will be three classes; B, A and S, which will be scored separately, but still all run in the same lobby.
Points System:
1st = 100, 2nd = 90, 3rd = 80, 4th = 60,5th = 50, 6th= 45, 7th = 40, 8th = 35, 9th = 30, 10th = 25, 11th= 20, 12th = 15, 13th= 10, 14th= 5, 15th = 3, 16th = 1
Available Cars:
Any B, A or S class car, which can use rally parts.
Car builds:
Rally Parts (if possible), If not: Sport Tyres, Race Transmission,Stock Springs, Any rims.
7pm ACSDT (+10:30 GMT) Saturday Nights, Every second week
Car paints:
Can be anything. Must include TRC:Horizon Class Specific Doorcards and TRC:Horizon Numberbox for roof which will be available from my Forza Horizon Storefront once made.
Sign Up:
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