Sunday, 2/23/14, 8PM Central - Catalunya School - Tandem Tournament

Was up guys, my names Alex, aka Driftin Snorlax

I’m creating this tournament cuz im bored and tired of these public point lobby drifters that suck at tandeming and spin when I get close to their door.

This is nothing serious, just having some fun. Reward if you come in first? You’re better than everyone else in the lobby.

3 judges , TBD , Angle Line Speed - 1 tire drop allowed. 2 = lost run
1 spin for redo, 2nd spin = lost run
1 hit for redo, 2nd hit = lost run
Each pair gets 1 practice follow / lead to warm up the tires / fingers
650 hp, no race tires. SPORT allowed
Keep it A, please
Lastly, no stupid ish, you know what to do. If you come, please don’t be a burden. Have some fun and tandem
Pairing will be random selection. Battles will begin at 8:30 for practice.
Judges may be drivers, but lets keep the drama down, after all this is just for fun, not FMDL.


SECTION: no video, but pretty simple section I think, here’s the best I can explain it.

Waiting drivers wait behind TURN 1
Active drivers line up at the end of TURN 1

Active drivers - cruise past TURN 2 - Initiate run after hitting APEX
The following 3 CORNERS will be judged, run ends as you enter the large sweeper.


Send Driftin Snorlax a message on xbox if you want to come. Remember, 8 pm Central, 9 pm Eastern idk 7 pm mountain and 6 pacific I think

Peace. Hit me up guys, I really want to battle some good drifters.