Starting a car club for XBOX 360

Anyone interested in joining a car club on the Xbox 360 version?

I’ll be on the 360 version as well. Hopefully can run with people online to simulate a little more traffic :stuck_out_tongue:

Be sure to add me, gamertag : e36 FTW

I’ll be playing the X360 too, looking to play a lot of online so a car club would be nice!

You guys can add me and message me if anything,
Gamer tag: xJA3x

Car Club Name : Low Standards
My friends and I will do cruises, drags, and drift sessions. We will also do road trips and competitive sessions here and then.
Anyone interested in just trying to enjoying the game have fun then you’re welcome to join this club, you can add my gamer tag, xJA3x or message me, or respond here, I’ve already created club, and will be back on tonight if anything.

I friend requested you. I hope to join your club and tear up the roads. Thanks xJA3x

I’m in. Add me when you get it up and running.

Im in. Sent a FR. What is the Club Tag?

Clan Tag : LWSD

If anything.

me iam am wanting to join GT FishyAnimal42