Stanley steamer

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Stanley steamer cars

didnt expect a steam powered car on here XDDDDD

There are various Models produced by the Stanley Company but this 1906 Stanley Steamer owned by Jay Leno is probably my favourite.

Jay Leno’s Car in a Video

A Video of one of the Later Models driving

A Museum Article regarding one of the Variants using the same Engine (Locomotion?) as Jay Leno’s

A Website dedicated to the Restoration of a Later Model but with more Links to other Stanley related resources at the bottom.


This is another solid option and is a later model from the 1920’s with a more Luxury Focus.

Jay Leno’s Video on one

An Example currently residing in the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences in New South Wales, Australia.

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Not a bad idea…

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It would definitely be slow and a bit of a joke vehicle but it would be incredibly unique atleast :smiley:

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Nah, I wouldn’t say it’s a joke vehicle. The Vanderbilt Cup Car posted above would be awesome for historical car & race enthusiast!

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Having now watched the Jay Leno video, I want this car more than ever! I couldn’t imagine the feeling of driving something like this with a little over 100hp yet over 1000 ft-lbs of torque!! It must be one of the most unique driving experiences possible! And the hilarity of the T10 adding “boiler” upgrades to this car in place of traditional mods would be awesome!

However, with Jay’s car being modified, if they were to add this car, where are they going to find a properly original Vanderbilt Racer to scan & add specs from?

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Honestly I have no idea, I know there’s some very niche online groups who are dedicated to preserving and restoring these types of cars in private hands but something like an actual Vanderbilt would be insanely hard to find.

The best bet would either be trying to hunt down a Museum with one in their possession or trying to convince an incredibly wealthy collector to cooperate.

In all honesty though I wouldn’t even mind if we got a more modern replica instead of an original, the concept of being able to drive a Steam Car ingame is so unique and out of reach for 99% of players that not having it completely original wouldn’t be too much of a drawback if it made it a possibility.

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True! Or quite frankly just use Jay’s car! Now that I think about it, I’m sure he could explain all the mods he did & the little changes in how the car would have looked or performed before these mods. :man_shrugging:

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