Spring Festival Playlist

Is it just me that the tasks to the right on Festival Paylists can be extremely difficult? Almost impossible.
This month the EventLab on the Hot Wheels type track seems undoable.

On another one I took a VW Golf, upgraded it to the fastest tuning package I could find. It will go over 200 mph on the highway. But I cannot find a single Speed Zone that I could get 3 stars on, even using “auto steering”.

I have attempted the task “beat the 400m Danger Sign target” dozens of times in every “rare classic” I own. I just cannot get it. I start driving way down the road towards the danger sign. Of course, 75% of the time I hit the wall in the Festival area.

I have attempted to “Beat the 170mph Speed Trap target” dozens of times in every Extreme Track Toy I own, including a Bugati Divo, Koenigsegg Jesko, and Ferrari F40. I have backed up half way through town and set difficulty “auto steering” on. I just cannot get it.

Getting all the Bonus boards and finding all the roads was a lesson in patience and persistence. But I did them. Including the bonus board way up on the electric tower, the one on the hotel balcony, and the one on the roof of the hotel.

You’re quite a new player so they’re not going to be easy, time will remedy that a bit…

This guy does some decent YouTube guides. Check the latest post.

For the golf speed zone I found a straight-ish off road one and gunned it cross country but that won’t be for everyone.

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I had no problems doing the Eventlab one apart from needing to change the view from my normal behind the car view to behind the wheel a couple of times, just so that I could see where I was going.

The trick is to go fairly fast otherwise you’ll fall off but not too fast that you loose control. I used a S1 900 Hoonigan RS200.

For the speed zone one I used the very short speed zone near the Mexico main Festival site. You’ll need to upgrade the car to S1 or S2. With this speed zone you can actually slide around the barrier allowing you to go a bit quicker. However I did it without the need to do so.

Hope this helps.

Not a suggestion. Just saying.