Spin credits not being given to my account

Hi i’m wondering if someone can help me with the spin payout issue im having on forza 6 i’ve had about 5 free prize spins now and every time it isnt loading the credits onto my account which means now ive lost about 2 million credits due to it not going onto my account any help would be appreciated.

I haven’t noticed any issues with credits but about all you can do as far as I know is a hard reset by holding the power button down to reboot.

I have a reoccurring network issue where Xbox tests and shows I am online but won’t sync my FM6 data or allow me into Rivals etc. The fix is the hard reset.

you know you have to spin to get the money.

Hi yes I do know that I have to spin to get the credits i’m getting annoyed with forza now as I keep winning these spins and if I win the credits and cars the cars are going into my cars but the credits aren’t gong onto my credits. [Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D]. SORT IT OUT TURN 10 YOUR SHOCKING AT SORTING OUT PROBLEMS.