Simply Sideways Drift Team is openly Recruiting

We at Simply Sideways are looking for talented individuals to join our growing drift team. We are drama free, mess around a lot, and just try to have fun. If you’re interested message me with the following information:

Drama level:
What can you bring to the team:
Activity level:

I’ll try to get back with you as soon as possible. You can also message me on XBL with the information as well. GT: JediProstidude. As Always thanks for any and all replies and remember…STAY SIDEWAYS!


Gamertag: LeakyWolf4614
Age: 15
Location: Ireland
Drama level: I’m not dramatic or childish
Experience: Very good playing along time in my own crew but got out of hand so cancelled it
What can I bring: I can bring a good time and help if needed
Activity level: I play on weekends but I have a job still get on it a lot though
Awd or Rwd: I prefer Rwd but I might use awd sometimes

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Gamertag: Designatedleder
Age: 15
Location: Michigan
Drama level: Not very dramatic
Experience: Very good been playing Forza since the first Forza on Xbox
What can you bring to the team: I can bring a good time
Activity level: Almost everyday

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Gamertag: mrSnuffleagapis
Drama level:0
Experience:2 1/2 years
What can you bring to the team:laughs and drift tunes
Activity level: always on
AWD or RWD: RWD for life

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to Designatedleder, and mrSnuffleagapis, please see our updated thread in the FM4: drift lounge. all we ask is for you to just send 2 replays. one replay of you drifting Fujimi Old Downhill, and the other replay being you drifting Fujimi Stage A Reverse with traffic. you can find this race in your “Event List” after you click “Go Race” in the main menu of the career mode. we currently have 7 open slots. We look forward to drifting with you guys soon!

yo leaky wolf, sorry, its been a while since ive been on here other than yesterday. check out the new thread in the drift lounge, or in the clubhouse. drop me the two replays mentioned in the new thread, and we’ll get sideways. im looking for a group of mature guys interested in keeping it door to door and just having an awesome time!

Gamertag: Shadow Clowns01
Age: 16
Location: New Zealand
Drama LEVEL: ? dont talk to much and dont get mad when drifting
EXPERIENCE: Tandem with friend often
What can you bring to the team: My ability to drift
Activity LEVEL: Most days

when do I sign up I need a drift team that’s has good cars to drift

Location: Nebraska
Drama level:0
Experience:2 years
What can you bring to the team: cars and fun for everyone
Activity level: on when needed
AWD or RWD: awd and rwd can do both

Gamertag:Mikey 2jz
Drama level:im not childish
Experience:Recruit but willing to do my best to learn.
What can you bring to the team:I will benefit the team by being a solid and active drifter that the team can rely on
Activity level:on most of the time

Gamertag: BLITZ ENhanced (Changing sometime soon)
Age: 19
Location: UK
Drama level: 0-1 (Depending on stressed out day :-))
Experience: Four Years.
What can you bring to the team: Designs and hopefully a new member :wink:
Activity level: Everyday apart from Sundays.
AWD or RWD: RWD, since FM3.

Gamertag: Wiltedwolf9
Location:South Africa
Drama level:Only if needed
Experience: Been playing since Forza 2
What can you bring to the team:Good personality,good tunes,good designs and stomach muscles cause you gonna laugh till it hurts
Activity level: Everyday
Mostly A.W.D (top 1% for most tracks…a few top 1000"s aswell )Can drift R.W.D too just not as well.

Gamertag: Andy3O4
Age: 20
Location: West Virginia
Drama Level: None
Experiance: 7 years, American Speed Metal, Smokin Aces, Drift Works, Drifters Not Artists, insignial, infamous, smoke n flow.
What Can i bring to the team: low drama, lots of communication and always down to drift.
Activity Level: 1-10 prob a 8
AWD or RWD: RWD always, Negative camber.