Series 34 info

New Cars:
1968 Pontiac Firebird (previously in FM4)
1963 Porsche 356 RSR Emory (new to Forza)



  • Steam Achievements not popping
  • Memory crashes on Series consoles
  • Mouse on screen
  • Windows update crash
  • Steam server management
  • Investigating other crashes, and wheel issues for Steam players
  • Modeling update for the Quadra

The rules of Super 7 High Stakes seem like something out of a quiz show, which is not a bad thing.
However, it’s PG. I’m sure they will have a new exclusive car as a prize for this mode as well, forcing us to play this mode. I am already in a depressed mood.

And I’m tired of saying the same thing over and over again, but the import bug is still not fixed.
We painters haven’t been able to access important features for 6 months because of this glitch. Hopefully next month they will fix this bug.

Yeah, this is getting annoying. You would think this would be an easy one. It occurs at a well-defined place and is 100% reproducible. It should have been fixed by Series 30.

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The tune import bug too. The last I checked it was listed under known issues for the Steam release, but not on Xbox. Which I’m hoping is just a clerical error. Technical limitations prevent us from using or XBox/PC saves on Steam, so why would we expect to be able to import tunes or anything else from previous games?

I wish they’d kindly hurry up with this update. I finish the first 2 events of the ranked playlist. Now its been 30 minutes of me sitting here waiting for the 3rd event to load. Its becoming unbearable to deal with at this point. I’ve been as patient as I can be, now i’m gonna start complaining.

As I’ve said before, these tuner Porsches are becoming a dime a dozen, however, if I could trade one for all of them(sans the Gunther) it would be this RSR. It has such a unique look to it.

So, the cars are the 356 RSR and the 1968 Firebird T/A.

I’m not familiar with the mechanic bits of the 356, but I expect it to be a fast car, if a bit unwieldy. I don’t like seeing this many special Porsches when we could have had stock ones, which we could then turn into custom cars. Where’s the 993 Turbo? The 356 C Carrera 2 (or an SC)? The 924 Carrera GT and the 904/8 from FM7? The 964 Turbo S, which is one of the best addon cars ever released for Forza?

Usually these old custom Porsches are hindered by their low tech. Look at the Singer: it’s got a 500 bhp engine for nothing, because the handling at high speeds sucks. The whole appeal of the car was lost when it transitioned into digital. Not a game-friendly car.

The Singer could’ve been a 964 Turbo S instead. But, I guess Singer makes for a good headline whereas an old FM7 DLC car doesn’t. Which is probable THE biggest issue with this game’s support: focus on what generates buzz, and sweep the buggy stuff casuals don’t care about under the rug.

Regarding the Firebird, I like most muscle cars, but they add little to the game in terms of variety, because they all drive the same. Still, the 1968 is significant because it rounds up all gens of the F-Bodies up to the 3rd. Let’s hope it comes with more engine swap options than “6.2L V8, 5.2L V10 and 6.5L V12”.

I really wish PG would eventually add the 4th gens either to this game or FH5. People think of them as trash these days, but they’ve had a presence in gaming and they usually perform very well in Forza (in fact the Camaro is top tier in its FM7 division).

Super7’s version of “Who wants to be a millionaire?” made me laugh. In derision.

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New Forza Motorsport: " Soon Turn10 will start to roll out a part of the game to people registered for the Forza Panel"

Where is this " Forza Panel " to be able to register ?
Will it be a BETA TEST for players ?

would this be the panel mentioning ?
Forza feedback panel: http: //

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In reference to playtesting, today’s Forza Monthly segment was specifically talking about the upcoming Motorsport game rather than FH4. But that is the correct link for everyone to sign up if you’d like to have an opportunity to provide feedback for Horizon as well.

Esaki was saying panel in the context of the Forza Feedback program. That link has been tweeted over the years. This image came from the 2019 E3 livestream:

7.64 GB update on Series X

Update did not the fix the game crashing going into ranked rooms!!!

Update is live, at least for me in the US. 7.64 GB