For those who are interested in an autocross event in vip rivals, I have a 1957 Ferrari 250 California which qualifies and is currently ranked #11 (1:22.XXX).
Tune is C500, file name is “C500 autox”.
Event takes place at Sebring Club
Download and let me know if you top me and get into the top 10. Good luck. Hope you enjoy.
anyone check this out? Top 10, has to peek your interest, right?
Thanks for the embarrassment. I now have statistical proof of how bad a driver I am.
I’ll snag this and try it out. I’m currently in the 200’s or 300’s but hopefully this car will help me move up!
did you guys get clean laps, what time/position on the boards.
I was about 5 into a six pack when I set my time.
Driving with no assists, and with manual/clutch. Are those the settings you use…cause tune has to be a bit different if you are running things like TCS.
Let me know how you do.