When I try to save a movie I get a error saying I need to go to my dashboard to delete my save file. It tells me it is corrupt. What does this mean, how do I delete it, what will happen if I do delete file?
You save file is very important and contains a lot of your information. It contains all your progress in the career, your cars in your garage, your credits everything really other then serverside stuff such as your leaderboard positions, storefront, auction house etc. If you were to delete this then you would be pretty much starting the game over from the beginning.
Unfortunately there isnt any sort of recovery program from turn 10 when it comes to replacing what was lost so I would suggest trying to fix it first and saving gamesave deletion as a last resort. go into your HD and look for anything that has a yellow corrupt triangle and delete that instead. Its possible that some other file like your stored video files may be causing this error msg.
Ill repeat once a gamesave is gone all the stuff on it will be lost permanently with no way to get it all back.
That is pretty much what I thought would happen. How do I get into the hard drive to look at it?
To get into the hard drive. Press the Guide button>Scroll all the way to the right>System settings> Hard drive. From there you should be able to locate the game.
If you would like any help starting off again, if you post a car on the auction house I would be willing to help you out with 2 million credits if you would like?
I really appreciate the help and offer but I am not interested in re-starting the game just to be able to save a movie. That is one of only a few achievements I have left to accomplish. I have way to many hours, cars, vinyls, tunes and achievements for that. I wish there was a way to back up your files/saves. Thanks again for the generous offer.
If it’s only when you’re saving a movie, your main game save is probably OK. Movies are saved to a different file, and can be deleted without affecting the main save.
I was able to find the corrupted file and delete it without loosing any important data. I uploaded a short movie to get the achievement. Thanks for everyone’s help.
in my case, after saving my game and shutting the 360 off, i removed the hard drive and brought it to my dads place to show him my massive car collection and share some tuning setups. once i put my hard drive in his 360 and attempted to load it, it says both my forza save file, and my fiances files are corrupt… not sure what could have caused this. they are 2 seprate live accounts both leveled past 110. neither one of us want to start from the beginning again if we dont have to? any suggestions in this case?
well firstly congrats otis for figuring out where the problem was and correcting it
As for Slimp go into your hard drive from the dashboard and look at the FM4 containing all your content. Look for anything with a yellow exclamation point and delete it if you find any. As I posted here earlier Deleting your gamesave should be a last resort as you will lose everything (other then serverside stuff and saved liveries/vinyl groups which is found on another file)
its very possible that when you changed 360s something corrupted causing the error
When I go into my cars, about half of them show the regular pictures. However, when I scroll over to the right, some turn into black boxes. Does anyone know how to fix this? When I try to gift the cars to someone else, it says that my profile can not be verified with the server at this time and to try again later. Please help!
If there is a yellow circle with a “!” in it next to my Forza 4 saved game file, and I need to delete it so I can buy tuning setups, is there anyway around it?