Here’s a WIP of my Penelope Pitstop design. It’s just a simple design nothing special…
Looking good
Nice work sofar Aqua!
OP updated
At this stage I was just making sure that the design fits around that lump in the bonnet of the car. I could lower her down a bit, mess around with it, but the lump is a pain…
Still … looks really good Aqua!!
Don’t know if entries are still accepted but here’s the paint based on Soviet version of Winnie-the-Pooh cartoon from 1969:
Awesome work Quadro! Sure i’ll add you to the list!
Only 2 weeks to get your retro cartoon design ready!
Thanks! I actually made this one a while ago for my kids. And I’ve been following the progress of this contest for last few weeks. But only yesterday I actually realized that the cartoon from '69 probably qualifies for Classic
I decided to change projects. I will paint TAZ
Damn nice work! Looks really great!
Completed project
2012 C63 AMG Black Séries, TAZ
They look great!!!
Skreamies & AquaPainter, wips are coming along nicely
Snake, I noticed my name is missing from the painters/picks list but I’m still in with Roobarb…
Got a little more text to do & decide on a car, have we got a definite deadline date yet?
Awesome updates guys!!! Love them all!
Midnyte… i updated the list!
Due date is 10th of february
Here is my entry. Hope you like it.
Cheers mate!
Excellent work guys!!
Judging will be difficult again