Retro Cartoon Contest - That’s all folks!

Sticky would be nice indeed.

Just adding a pic of the last state for my WIP for thread completeness.

Update soon, still trying out things to fit on cars before going into detailed shading.

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Well, well, well, what do we have here? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Finally got my backside in gear Snake, had 4 cartoons in mind but decided to go for the lovable Roobarb (click for the opening credits & maddest theme tune!)

First aired on the BBC in 1974 when I was about 6 yrs old, later brought back as “Roobarb & Custard” - absolutely loved it :grin:


After some minor fixes here is the completed version with Calvin and Hobbes in a typically Horizon pose :slight_smile:

There is a fast tune for this called “Deliverance”.

Car: 2011 Ford Transit Supersportvan - File Name: Calvin & Hobbes

2018-12-10 20.37.00
by Rallyz, on Flickr

2018-12-10 20.37.08
by Rallyz, on Flickr

2018-12-10 20.37.21
by Rallyz, on Flickr

2018-12-10 20.37.14
by Rallyz, on Flickr

I have also shared the RCC 2019 logo as “RCC 2019 trace” (271 layers for the logo I think):

RCC 2019 trace
by Rallyz, on Flickr

Hi everyone,
I would like to participate in the contest with the avengers cartoon. That is ok?

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Great progress guys!! Glad to see this starting to roll :wink:
@ Baaaadam sure :+1:t2::grinning:

I’ll update the lists later today :grimacing:

Hoping to see some more progress soon guys! I’ve started my Thundercats design testerday :open_mouth::wink:

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I’ve been wondering what has been going on lately. Nice to see the updates! Keep it up, and liking the new entries too.

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‘Little’ update :wink:

Ran out of layers on the grey-dient colouring style… :grimacing:

And the 80s colouring style

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Updated the entries post :grinning:

I’ve just started one, should have it finished in a few days… no pics yet. Just wanted you to know.

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OK here’s a huge clue as to which cartoon character I am working on, can you guess from just the car?..

Wacky racers?

One in particular! :slight_smile:

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Penelope Pitstop! :nerd_face:


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Giving huge props in advance to MN Koshiro for picking Sailor Moon. FH4 badly needs a proper Sailor Moon livery!

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Awesome job guys and gals! All have done great work!

Just 2,5 weeks to go… how it going guys and girls??

Took a break but I’m back on track. Will need a few more sessions so expect something right 5 minutes before shutdown.

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