Request: Jon Olsson's Rebellion R2K from Gumball 2013

Hey guys! :slight_smile:
Could somebody make the Gumball design of the Rebellion R2K for the Audi R18?
The cars’ shapes are quite similar so I think it would be possible.

Here is the design:

Greetings from Germany,

Nice! I like this design. I have a lot of projects on the go but I want to give this a try, but might be awhile. Someone else might make it before me, either way I will give it a shot

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Thanks! That would be awesome. :slight_smile:

Would maybe anyone else give it a try? :slight_smile:

I’ll give it a go… I have most the decals already as I just finished up a couple gumball cars… let me see what I can work out

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Thank you! Have already got your P1. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Here it is… not identical as the e-Tron has quite a few tricky paint glitches… also I nixed some of the sponsor decals because when they were shrunk down as much as needed on the tiny side panels you couldn’t really read them… anyway hope you like it… also I included the drivers names above the doors per your request

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Thank you! It looks really awesome!
But what happened to the edging around the lights?


I included a border around the lights like the original it’s just a bit different shape on the Audi because the headlights do this weird mirror paint glitch, and certain areas it’s impossible to make symmetrical borders because of it. So I did the r2k border in the lower half and followed the Audi lines on the top.

Fantastic job there, was a glitchy job at best when I did that in F4!

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