Regarding Quick Resume

I find it odd that Quick Resume is so buggy with this game. Having had my Series X for almost a year now, I’m well aware that it can be somewhat hit or miss and can behave oddly even when it does work.
I suppose what I mean specifically is that I’m surprised Microsoft isn’t ensuring that a major feature for the Series X/S works flawlessly for major first party titles. Heck, I’m not even sure if it’s a software thing or a hardware thing, so I’m not even really blaming PG here.
This is easily one of the most consistently wonky Quick Resume compatible games I’ve seen though. When I come back to the game there’s like 50/50 chance that I won’t be able to reconnect to the online servers without rebooting the game completely.

As if to enforce my point, purely coincidentally, I quickly switched to another game to double check that Quick Resume was the right name and when I switched back to FH5, it crashed and restarted.

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It didn’t work properly with fh4 either. Making sure highly touted console features work with first party titles is the absolute bare minimum. I almost never use quick resume because it’s so unreliable and when I do, I never just click back to the dashboard. I always do a proper save first.

I agree, I’ve had endless problems with quick resume and FH5, I don’t even risk it anymore and quit the game when I’m finished. Restarting the game seems to be a common fix for many bugs, so it’s probably going to help with those issues too.

As noted above, it has been glitchy since the Series X release, especially with Horizon games. Even worse, I have seen posts both on here and the Microsoft forum where people have lost entire saves because it is bugged. Best advice is to just pretend the feature isn’t a thing…after all, it only takes like 30 seconds or so for the game to load from fresh anyway

Quick resume is hit or miss with most multiple games. The issue with this game is the conflicts it has with syncing. I really wish there was an option on XSX to disable quick resume on a game by game basis because it doesn’t take long for this game to do a fresh boot.