RedrockVP's Forzaphotography Gallery [RTGI is finally here]

Haven’t logged in here since work/life has been a bit hectic of late. Haven’t actually been taking much shots in general, but I am getting the itch again… watch this space :eyes:

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So… Was still having some issues with Motorsport and then just haven’t had the time to sort things out… but… I did do something I think is pretty interesting and cool :slight_smile:

Managed to use RunwayML’s Gen-3 Alpha image to video model to apply motion to one of my old FH4 pics, to create a sort of timelapse effect. Applying motion to edited shots is something I’ve been trying to figure out for years now, and this finally lets me do that in a pretty convincing way.

Can’t post the video here, but here’s the Reddit link if you wanna check it out

When I have some time, gonna try get Motorsport working, since I saw some new graphics stuff dropped a little while ago…

Realised I can convert to GIF :eyes: This is an older shot from FH4 that I ran through RunwayML’s Gen-3 Alpha image to video model.


Well they finally ultrawide support in photomode for FM… :eyes:… still getting random performance issues though. Game will be fine, running at like 80fps maxed out, and then performance dips to 20fps…

Anyways, have a photo. This is not edited, just in-game photo settings tweaked.

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We finally have RTGI… and oh boy… does it make a difference. Performance seems to be a ton better with the new update as well. So maybe its finally time to hop back in :slight_smile:

If you’re wondering about the grey box in the bottom left, its because I’ve rendered these in HDR. They are jpg’s with gain maps. Unfortunately this forum doesn’t seem to support them :confused:

I’ll be posting to Instagram in a bit and they should work there. If they do render for you for some reason, the grey box should have “HDR” in it.

UPDATE: Have changed the images to be avif format. This seems to work, but you need to click to open the full image, the preview isn’t in HDR.

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