Rear View Mirror 5-2-16

It was dusty at Laguna Seca, it was precarious in Sochi, and it was downright dangerous in Talladega.

Racing highlights from it all in Rear View Mirror. Or Ear View Mirror as I sometimes shorten it to be for those who like to listen to their racing highlights.

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Great article as usual - loved the ZZ Top link!

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Good description of the races. We may not have flying cars in FM6 but they had them at Talladega.

I watched the clip of the car going around the course at Sochi. I saw how he cut the corners and where he went when he exited the corners. I was surprised at how often he had two wheels on the rumble strip or a little over. I always feel like I’m cheating a little when I do it FM. However, it F1 allows it, why shouldn’t I do it? I’m not talking about some of the outrageous corner cutting I see in MP.

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I’ve noticed there hasn’t been any discussion threads for the last two RVMs. I started reading the RVM a month or so ago and I’ve gotten hooked on them. They have a lot of good information.

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