READ FIRST - Economy / Progress tags and topics

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Posting with tags

When you create a topic you’ll be prompted to select one tag. Tags help other users and development teams filter topics to focus on specific areas of interest.

Tags and Topics

This category is for topics related to acquiring cars or other assets, credits and experience, leveling up, progress through career, unlockables, etc.

This category uses the following tags:

Tag Topics
fh-economy Autoshow, Auction House, gifting, Forzathon Shop, all other misc economy ideas
fh-bonuses Skill points and perks, Bonus Boards, VIP benefits, Treasure Map, Home and Business perks
fh-progression Horizon Adventure, Accolades and checklists, levels, Achievements, Festival Playlist completion
fh-rewards Credits, XP, Wheelspins, Forzathon Points, Kudos, Car Collection, event rewards