[RCC] Retro Cartoon Contest 2020 - That’s all folks!

Lots of cool designs in here!

I have a backlog of things to finish, I have a comic design, but not a cartoon design. Next year comics might be a good idea!

I don’t think it matters, comics are cartoons, just not animated. Also, quite a lot of comics or comic strips have also come out as animated versions.

Absolutely stunning Pat!!! :ok_hand:t5:

Snake, yours is top notch too! :sunglasses:

Still working on mine, there are so many characters to choose from it’s tricky to decide which ones to paint and which ones to leave out - should have some progress pics by the weekend…


Awesome Pat!! Thanks for the update Midnyte! :wink::+1:t2:

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Some stunning stuff being worked on again!
I had hoped to be involved in RCC this time but just can’t get going in game. Really finding it hard with a little one nowadays!

Keep the sweet designs coming!


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If you can let me know which comic it is…

It is harder to make time for gaming being a (new) dad… congrats btw! Enjoy all the moments you can AB! They grow up so fast!

Could put an interesting slant on things… :thinking:

WIP update

working on a car/layout idea which will probably determine exactly what I’ll paint next…


The comic is Tank Girl, there is no cartoon of Tank Girl, it wouldn’t work.

A cartoon is an illustration (“possibly” animated). A comic contains lots of cartoons.

Even Leonardo da Vinci has been known to do the odd cartoon or two …

I did Calvin and Hobbes last year (my first year) and it wasn’t immediately rejected, and am thinking of doing Footrot Flats this year (although haven’t quite decided). I don’t think Snake would reject Tank Girl, it seems an excellent choice.

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thanks guys. I can’t wait to see your creations. agree with you MIDNYTE, the choice of designs and always difficult.
Thank’s AB,a pity that your new parental life does prevent you from participating, but their loves are well worth it

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Looking good MD

hi everyone, already great projects created :slight_smile: here is my project start


Oh… lol I always thought that a cartoon had to be animated. Well I’m in then!

great update friends, very beautiful painting MD and Farfadet, I love :+1::+1:

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connection problem on my post above!


Merci Pat :slight_smile: j’ai bien hâte de voir les créations de tout le monde, je kiff ce concours de peinture qui nous fait repartir en enfance ^^

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I have a question. Can a competitor choose a cartoon that has already been chosen? or does he have to pick something else? I’ve been working on something that actually may just be perfect for this and am itching to get in on the action. Plus I can guarantee sticking through to the end this time lol. Couldn’t help it last year.

Tank girl could be cool… but the idea is to use “sundaymorning” cartoons…

@ kilocharlie depends on which cartoon… as some cartoons have a lot of characters … and otgers dont…

Ah okay, thanks for the clarification. Is that Sunday morning in the papers and/or on the TV? Is it restricted to animated or not?

It can be comic and cartoons… as long as they’re retro :wink: