Hi guys! I love taking photos in Forza but I only do it on the weekends. This being said, I am not the most experienced or skilled photographer. I would like it if you would please look at my best photo and give me advice on it. Thank you!
(I personally rate this a 9/10 because there is too much white light in the sky)
I think that this car is so aesthetically simple yet timeless, and a little steampunk. I tried to capture all that, and it took 30 minutes! I am proud of how it turned out
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You could like this thread,… :
Thanks for that! I added mine
I thought it would be interesting to take a photo of my character, since most other photos only focus on the cars.
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Amazing. All of them
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You are a very talented photographer awesome work!!
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I recently discovered a new camera angle! Lucked out on taking it relatively quickly too, and I love how it turned out…