I recently got my girlfriend to buy the game so we could play ranked together. We hopped in a convoy, did some normal online races, it went fine.
Now ranked… that’s a different story. We tried for over an hour and every time she either didn’t get the invite in when we finally found a match, or it broke when we did accept it.
I saw posts from 2018 with the same issues, meaning this hasn’t been fixed and it is a problem since release?
Any updates or future fixes the devs have announced? or any way to fix it?
(we did try to just requeue whenever she didn’t get the invite but after an hour we just gave up… it’s not supposed to be like this).
Same here it’s a struggle to get 6 members of our team into ranked, more often than not it will take the leader in on their own or only take 4 or 5 of us in
That makes no sense, almost every game with ranked has duo queue or more. Besides, this game is 100% co-op playable. So this should work. But it doesn’t work… but nothing has been done to fix it
I play ranked team racing quite frequently with two other players. One of the players is on console and myself and the other are on pc. We always give convoy lead to our console player. Not sure why, but the queue system always seems to work better when he’s the one queuing races for us. It still occasionally will only give him the invite, but not too often. It still takes a good 10/15 mins on average to finally get into a match and then there’s always that one dude that goes afk and you get 11/12 ready and then the dreaded “not enough players found…” Wish we could still queue with just 4v4 or 5v5. Sometimes if it is taking an extremely long time we’ll disband the convoy and switch sessions and re-convoy. That seems to help too.
Yep MONO, we’ve been making it happen the last week or 2. A full convoy of 6 will always taking longer than a convoy of 2, 3 or 4. The thing is you have to re-queue if you dont get 12 during the first search
I don’t know if there is a difference between console and PC players (we play on PC) in regards to re-queues but the only thing consistenly working for us is not only restarting the search/the convoy etc. but only restarting the complete game. Even with relatively fast PCs it takes us approximately 2-3 hours to find 2 ranked matches that actually start (of course this time might be influenced by other stuff like rank etc. but even considering other factors this just takes all fun away).
Tips to successfully get convoys into team ranked matches:
Wait for all players to be loaded into the leader’s session (see all convoy member names in the top right with the convoy icon, wait for all loading circles to complete) before starting a search. If they are having trouble getting into the session, they need to hit pause, y, y, Join leaders session. If that isn’t available or doesn’t work, send them a new convoy invite.
If a search queue fails (not enough players). The leader must quickly restart the matchmaking search. If they do not, the next search that pops up will only show up for the leader. Playing by yourself you do not need to do this, but as a convoy you MUST restart the search after EVERY failed attempt.
Be in party chat or have a quick chat phrase designated so the leader can say they found a session (I use “Let’s go on an Adventure!” or “Online Adventure?”) and all convoy members have a response to acknowledge they received the session alert as well (We use “Yes” for… yes, I got one and “No” for… no, I didn’t get one). If someone didn’t get one just quickly restart the matchmaking (don’t even wait for the alert timer to expire, just hit pause and restart it so your convoy will hopefully be placed directly back in the same search lobby as before). Also note, you can’t see chat phrases while in the menu, house or garage. This is why party chat with mics is best.
If a Forzathon appears on the map (10 minutes before the hour) go to the Forzathon circle. For some reason it seems to help, otherwise a lot of the time during that 10 minutes before the hour the leader has a higher chance of being the only one to get the session alert. The likelihood of finding successful sessions also seems to happen a majority of the time during a Forzathon event (so participate in the events as a convoy).
About a minute after a failed matchmaking you can go to your Recent Players in the xbox menu to see the 11 other people that were in the failed lobby (will usually say met 5 to 7 minutes ago for 11 people, that is the group you were going to be matched with). Check the people that have their game activity shown to see if they got into a ranked adventure (“Outplaying the opposition…” for ranked games and Racing up and down in a Team Adventure…" for ranked races). If the others got into a match that means your convoy got left out of the lobby and the rest of the lobby found a successful match (despite your screen showing 11/12 and failed the others all got a 12/12 match and left your group behind). This could be due to the matchmaking system finding the “fairest” available match with the people searching and choosing what 6 vs 6 was the best scenario, or it had no way to create a 6vs6 with your convoy number (for example a convoy of 3, a convoy of 4, and a convoy of 5 all searching at the same time will never be allowed to find a match together, because they will never be able to create a 6vs6 with that combination, so the game waits for enough solo players to fill the gaps and one convoy will inevitably be left behind to find more players). So your wait time is going to be longer while a new lobby assembles. I have been in situations waiting 2+ hours because our convoy was too high ranked and kept getting left out of matches, it just depends on how many people are searching at the moment and how your skill level compares to those searching.
If the current Horizon life session you are in drops to a small number of people it is best to search for a new life session (50+ people is ideal, but it depends on the time of day). If you are stuck in a Horizon life session with less than 30 people sometimes it is an indication that someone in your convoy is “preventing” you from finding a match or the life session you are in is having trouble communicating with the server and by searching a new Horizon life session it will “reset” your convoys connection to the server so that you can once again find a match. Often times after you find a new session and start a new search you will get a session alert pop up relatively quickly. Don’t do this if you are in an active Forzathon though, it is best to wait it through the Forzathon event.
Sometimes if all else fails change the convoy leader, find a new life session and start the process again.
The fact that we have to jump through all the above hoops to improve our chances of getting convoys into games, just shows how broken their matchmaking system is. Also, checking the recent players, I can often tell who exactly left the queue to go do something else because they got bored and it is frustrating when all we needed was that one person to have gotten a successful matchmaking. PG needs to add an indicator showing how many people are currently queued up, so we can understand how close we are to getting a match… For now, use recent players as an indicator and if it says one of the 11 most recent players met is now on Youtube or Roblox, assume that you are waiting on a player to replace that person for your lobby to fill again.
I have tried MANY MANY times to get into a ranked match, every time we got 11/12 or nothing at all. We are only 2 people, it shouldn’t be so hard. Since we found this out we didn’t really play much more, it really demotivated us to play. We were building up to ranked and now it turns out it’s pretty much impossible. I don’t feel like trying for an hour every time just to play 1 match.
If a dev replies with upcoming fixes, I’ll be really happy.
Same with my brother and I, we’ve got the problem since the game launched. Since restarting the search etc. doesn’t work for us (one continues to not get the “Team Adventure session found”) we have to restart both games to get a chance to actually get a session we can both accept.
We still have a small amount of hope that this will eventually get fixed, but it’s very hard to motivate yourself to try again and again and again.
This is my point… the devs don’t even respond to this issue so the idea of “getting a fix” is also not really there. This sucks! I ended up doing ranked solo for the qualifying but my girlfriend just didn’t want to play alone.
I gave up on “Team” ranked adventure long time ago. It is so broken and we tried for months with 2 to 6 team mates in the convoy. Team MCA has several hundred members and i have not been teamed or matched up to any of them.
Horizon 5 is a long while away… since no new forza comes out this year, and probably F8 in 2020, it means we have to wait to 2021 to get a fix on ranked team play…
If it’s taking you 3 hours to get two matches, something is incredibly wrong here. This goes for anyone who has posted “It’s taken more than an hour” - this shouldn’t happen.
I would submit a ticket to our support site and if you have a video capture/any evidence this would help massively. Also try to provide your network status which you can find in the Xbox settings.