Hello, please share some of your great and beautiful forza motorsport photos.
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I didn’t know how easy it is to share photos on this site. Just drag and drop, no need to use a hosting site. Good stuff!
Something I noticed with Photomode in this game, the default settings aren’t horrible. They actually do a pretty good job giving user something to work with. I’ve posted this in a different theread, but this shot was taken after resetting the sliders…
I have no real arguments to the effects sliders or color saturation. The only thing I did change was the aperture and the focus. The default settings did a decent job with the light fog, and the contrast is pretty much where I wanted it. It’s not perfect. I struggle to get a truly sharp image, but that is mostly due to my 1080 based resolution and TAA. That and Nvidia aftereffects don’t seem to effect photomode. I’ll have to compare a screen grab to the Photomode result, someday.