In Free Play, when rain is turned on, it starts raining immediately, which is a huge change from gradually starting over a number of laps. It is now impossible to to even come close to your previous best time. I do agree with the change. It should have been that way from day one. But if you change the rules, you have to change the leaderboards.
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Can you not manually adjust when you want it to rain?
Can you not manually adjust when you want it to rain?
I don’t know of a way to manually adjust the rain. Previously you had numerous laps of dry weather at the start, allowing you to set a fast leaderboard time before the rain started. Now you can’t even match your old best time. What’s the sense of having a leaderboard if you can’t compete with the previous times.
Just set it to rain, then go to the next tab and change the various stages of the race to be “overcast”. It will never rain, and your time will be on the “wet” leaderboard. Ta Da.
Kinda sounds like its not worth the effort, if you can get rain lap times in a no rain race.