October 17, 2020, 3:14am
Welcome to my Forza Garage! Here, you will find mostly replicas of cars, race and drift liveries. This is what I tend to focus the most on. Feel free to comment on my work as well as give me feedback and requests on what cars I should replicate. I love a challenge.
Adam LZ’s Formula D 2020 Enjuku Racing S15: Completed
Share Code: 656 681 142
Being one of my favorite YouTubers, I have to try to replicate his new livery for Formula D Pro 1. It is a beautiful car, but this livery will be one of the most challenging ones I’ve done so far. Between the intricate logos and the crazy design, I’ll definitely have my hands full.
This is as done as it’s going to get with the limitations that we all have. 3,000 layers just isn’t enough to get all the logos and detail that I wanted on the car, but I did my best with what was available to me. I think overall, it came out really great considering, but I guess I’ll have to wait until they increase the layer limit in the next game to really give it that extra polish.
Team Orange Yukes Impreza WRX STi '04: Completed Turn 10 Livery Contest #12 Winner
Share Code: 654 022 776
This one took me much longer than I wanted it to. With 3,000 layers as the max on the sides, it was very difficult to fit all the logos that I did on the car. I even left some off on the sides because of this. As for the hood, the stock intake on it wasn’t playing nice with the lion graphic behind the Yukes logo, so it was left off. Overall, I think it came out pretty good.
Link to promotional video.
Pro Staff R-Magic RX7: Completed Turn 10 Livery Contest #7 Winner
Share Code: 133 282 829
I’ve put a lot of work into this one and am pretty happy with the result. The sides of the car alone are roughly 2,800 layers. Metallic logos are a pain, but so worth it.
Lots of great designs! Can’t wait for the new one!
I remember seeing the RX-7 and the Impreza in FM7, excellent paints!!
New one’s shaping up nicely too.
October 28, 2020, 1:27am
I remember seeing the RX-7 and the Impreza in FM7, excellent paints!!
New one’s shaping up nicely too.
Thanks guys!
The sides of this new car are really going to give me headaches haha. I’m hoping I can hide a lot of the decals with the logos on the sides . I guess I’ve been out of the game too long.
November 20, 2020, 4:57am
Bump for finished product!
Got the new design! Looks great!
November 25, 2020, 4:48am
Thanks! I’m so glad to be done with it
Yeah I liked it so much I started driving the car a lot, and ended up making the best tune for it.
March 21, 2021, 2:24am
hello i know its been some time since this post but can you transfer the livery over and if so can i have the share code ?
You can search for liveries using the name Raftor.