Questions about Horizon 5 World Cup

I can’t seem to find any explanation about how the event/reward for it works. I was going to pick Japan as I guessed it would be the most popular choice but I accidentally drove the new car pass car out of my house after I got it without thinking, so since it’s a porsche does that mean I’m representing Germany? I completed the weekly challenge, trial and playground games championship in the Japanese choices so would that have been pointless?

Also about the reward for the winning country, is it only awarded for the winning team, or is it simply whichever country wins affects the reward which is in turn given to every player? Kind of like the reward for the peel based on the number of gifts sent that season. It will be kind of frustrating for those players like myself who collect every single car that comes out if there’s no way to get the world cup reward car if we chose the wrong country

It’s a little difficult to know exactly as PGG have not explained it at all well.

My understanding (well, I should say my guessing of it based on the most logical explanation) of it: You get points for each race you complete (maybe each Championship) for the requisite country which then gets added to the score. So, I completed 4 Championships (3 Solo and the Trial) in British cars so it would give 4 points to the UK and then the Forzathon in a German car so it gives, 1 point maybe?

At the end of the whole thing, PGG choose a car from the country that won and everyone gets given that car (presumably a car already in the game)

On deeper thought, Everybody will HOPE that it’s not a car from the base game, cause if that is true, The purpose of participating in this Series is completely pointless…

And of course, there is reasons that we would call out on the laziness of the whole event.

I dont know about anyone else, but i dont have any hopes because i know how these guys do things. I also played FH4 and a little Fh3. So, i understand that you are new to the franchise, but experienced people know its not going to be an “exclusive” car. Not in a million years lol. Those are reserved to be monetized one way or another. You should know better by now. Specially as i said, if you know how ppgs/ms likes to do things.

The world cup is a joke, plain and simple, another dumb mini-event to give players something “different” to do or to thinkg they are doing something different… In the end, im sure they didnt even invest more than 5 minutes implementing this event and deleting the pr stunts.

If someone knew starts playing the game yesterday, he would not know anything about this “world cup” anyways, because the info about the event is completely inexistent. As always. And that only tells you how “important” is this event. As i said, just two words “world cup” to make players think they are actually participating in something different lol. The lazyness from the devs on this game is getting to a joke point :stuck_out_tongue: (and i know this comment is going to be deleted, as always, but that just confirms what everybody knows).

Dont worry about the event. Its so shallow that many people are not even going to notice it. Just play as always, you wont miss anything at all. Also it doesnt matter if you switch cars, as long as you drive one from the chose country. But again, people are really paying attention to this? amazing :stuck_out_tongue:

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As Nursemorph wrote, hard to say. I don’t recall what I was driving when I started the game but it counted for the Forzathon. After that all British. Taking part? Winning races? Winning seasonal events? Time spent in relevant country’s cars? Was it fixed by my being in whatever-car-it-was when I started? Do I have to wear the outfit for any scoring to happen? How does scoring work? What about difficulty settings? Who knows?

Could be a good idea - I do like some of the things that have been going on. The best part, though small, was the stunt thing of having to do it a certain way. Lots of potential remains.

PGG tend to be very ambiguous with their instructional blurb, whether this is by accident or design is debateable. Given most of this week was C class I thought I’d use a Lotus that I’d been ignoring, tuned it, counted for the weekly, then wasn’t able to use it in any of the races. Given the ‘fun and games’ we’ve had since launch I simply rolled my eyes and grabbed whatever British car was available for each championship.

Initially at launch I became quite annoyed with PGG and their shenanigans, but now I expect the worst and have a laugh when I get just that. I was amused when my weekly just unlocked as I was doing the championships, “OK then, one less thing I need to do”

I suspect it will make any difference whatsoever what car you drive I really doubt they are checking anyway, the winning world Cup Country is probably predetermined anyway, they will just post some made up figures tto show what country won and then give us the already predetermined car.

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The most concerning is about the Advantages and Disadvantages given to some countries, as specifically that on Summer, one event has only Japan chosen for the eligible cars, the showcase remix is by driving the Can am and the Bone Shaker, as well for the Photo Challenge, which allows USA to get MUCH More points if the Showcase Remix 2nd stage counted.

But also for the Weekly Challenge of Autumn, Winter And Spring… As well as their photo challenges (France haves no Buggies on H5)
But it’s worse with the Daily Challenges…

By Also including the Showcase one that is directly unlocked by doing the event, with MANY other Dailies that are completed with only a specific car from a country.

The most Disadvantages goes towards France, who gets no free points in the Daily Challenges, As the most advantaged is USA

This week seems to be about getting people to do the championship races hence why they have taken out the pr stunts such as danger signs, speed traps and zones, before people could gain the weeks car unlocks without actually doing the championships but this week is different. The world Cup stuff is just to distract from that.

I honestly don’t think the so called world Cup stuff makes any difference to the car we will get they jut want us to think it does.

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Anyone having a problem with Forzathon weekly cars not registering?
I’v submitted a ticket but the reply came back as “solved”.

I’v tried every French car but giving up now. Not going to try cars from the other countries.

I’ve completed all the events - Trial, Championships etc with the required cars. Only the Forzathon is a problem. I’ve reset the xbox x, cleared the saves, rebooted multiple times.

So there goes another 100% completion.:unamused:

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You can use any car you like fro UK, USA, France, Italy or Japan and it can be any class not restricted to c like the trial and the championship races are.

Don’t think to much of it. If you participate, you will get a car. Italy has an advantage, because everyone who don’t care may use the Lambo because you can make all races with one car.

But as nobody exactly knows how scoring works, maybe the car is already decided, and we get some numbers nobody understands and are not verifiable.

Just wait for the first promised standings update, maybe we know something then. I am already through, supporting german cars.

Even if you dont, you will. This is like christmas event. You have an imaginary bar that fills up when people win races with specific cars (in the christmas event was gifting cars). Period. Even if only two people were to participate you will still be getting your car. Im pretty sure of it lol. As i said many times this is just an attrezzon “event” to make people believe they actually care about anything. Or smart people will think the opposite around. Since they keep doing things with the goal of pushing away players.

I’m not being obsessed about it, but i feel that it’s unfair for some countries

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I just use the cars that are already tuned in that specific class and have a chance to win the race. You may say I am a cosmopolit as I don’t prefer a single country as car manufacturer. But I am just lazy and I don’t care too much…

When I try to choose World Cup from the playlist menu it just says ”Go to marketplace” and nothing happens. Anyone else who have had this problem?

Anyone else having trouble starting/choosing World Cup from the playlist menu? It just says ”Go to marketplace” and then nothing happens