If ur an honest gamer who enjoys FORZA HORIZON as our club members do, and are looking for a club that does not accept GLITCHERS &/or XP CHEATS then your welcome to join the PTV8 CLUB we play hard and fast BUT we all absoloutely enjoy the game and are now looking for new members who enjoy the HORIZON experience as we do. we help all club members to drive and enjoy all cars, we have some of the best speed camera times, (NO MODDERS) if your up for the challenge. we have 2 simple rules to be in our club- (1) NO GLITCHING(NO EXCEPTIONS IF CAUGHT OR SEEN TO BE DOING SO REMOVAL WILL FOLLOW.) (2) NO 1 MINUTE LOBBIES OR XP CHEATING! this game is fantastic so why ruin it? if you are interested and would like to join look for myself- BIGGY FOOLZ, Techman28, 19ICEMAN86 or Killemall7865 we look forward to some honest gaming once again. enjoy! BIGGZ.

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