If your looking to tandem, post your gamertag and you will be added as well as receive an invite to a private tandem drift lobby!! Thank you
AoM Big Diesel
CvrPaddyCvr o
Im on now
Gt: Frankniddi
If your trying to just add my gamertag, the letter I’s are actually lower case L’s. Sorry for the confusion
Rise Rain
Hi guys,please add me gt: TopCqeL. Tired of drifting alone
Need people to drift withh
My Totoy
Anyone and everyone feel free to follow me and ill return the favor. Im down to drift whenever im on
GT is o Y I P Y u P o
Tobe performance and Noodleboii07 I will add you in a few hours when I get home. We will be tandeming tonight if you guys would care to join
Our team forum page. Message for tryouts or just to drift
UGR Aventador
Gamertag: MoB pineapple
time zone: est
Friendly Wiener
SO scouser 09