Porsche Carrera GT - Inaccurate Model

The 2003 Porsche Carrera GT is one of the few infamously inaccurate and outdated Porsche car models in FORZA that irks me due to how bad they look.

The in-game model looks like a Dachshund dog with unusually inaccurate side profile and wheelbase, skinny and disproportionate front and rear ends, the erroneous shape of the rear deck and taillights - when compared to the actual car which can also be observed in GT7’s model.

The car has such a wonderful presence in real life and the model is extremely inaccurate and outdated to even be justified its current use.

Request to discard and fully rescan and remodel the legendary Carrera GT.

@DayKnightV8 First of all thank you for your great work regarding all car models!

This issue here is the best example for what is wrong with Forza:

The car model of the Porsche Carrera GT has been recycled for almost every single Forza game (Horizon and Motorsport - besides FM5 and FH1) since May 3rd 2005 - including in “built from the ground up” FM8!

We are talking of almost 20 years - and 11 games! So they charged 11 times for it. Sometimes on top of the game because it was in the Pay-DLC Porsche Extension.

The model is figuratively unchanged. Back then it was Xbox - plain old Xbox. Not 360, not One! Are we playing on Series X/S now or what did I miss?

Laser Scanning of cars was not used back then as well.

How could this awful car model be missed from the list of car models which they want to redo for the next entries of the Forza series?

Maybe there are not a lot of people left who know the history of their car model recycling. Dan Greenawalt - do you care?

The more they should listen to @DayKnightV8 and others here in the THUB about the status of their car models!