Porsche 959 Gruppe B Concept 1983

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Porsche 959 Gruppe B Concept 1983

This Topic is specifically for the Concept version of the 959, for Voting on the production models click here.


This concept car isn’t necessarily ugly but I’m so used to the production model 959 that it just seems very wrong to look at.

Might just be perspective but it looks like a normal 959 melted a bit.

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Is that a driveable concept?

I wonder why its called Group B Group sounds more like a gathering of people and not a race type

Because it’s a category of car

Or a group if you like that instead

Sure but isnt a group usually a gathering of people

I am sure it is

It’s a gathering of things, mostly living

Google is your friend…


XJ220 called, it wants its wheels back.

They fit the 959 surprisingly well though!

Yes, had a tendency to shake parts of the engine to death though apparently

Sounds about right