Note - voting on polls does not substitute for voting on the topic. Make sure to VOTE above the first post to have your interest in this model counted.
Which body style do you prefer?
Which version do you prefer?
Pre-Facelift - 992.1 (2019-2024)
Facelift - 992.2 (2025+)
Which models do you prefer?
Carrera / Carrera 4 / Targa 4
Carrera S / Carrera 4S / Targa 4S
Carrera GTS / Carrera 4 GTS / Targa 4 GTS
Carrera T
Turbo S
GT3 Touring
Dakar / Rallye (992.1)
Sport Classic (992.1)
S/T (992.1)
Which powertrain do you prefer? (where applicable)
Hybrid (T-Hybrid)
Which drivetrain do you prefer? (where applicable)
Thanks, friend, because it reinforces my point that it makes no sense at all.
If the next update brings the 911 Turbo S, this OP will be closed again, and we’ll have to reopen it, losing the many votes and annoyances from each player for each box they checked… the comments they posted… and the photos they posted.
It makes no sense… but it’s just that none. With this policy, T10 directly sends many votes and a lot of wasted community time to the trash.
We will probably won’t get another 911 if we get a lot of them this coming update, I want the
Turbo S (FH5)
GT3 R (FH5) (not this topic)
992.1 Turbo S Cabriolet
992.2 Targa 4 GTS
992.2 Carrera T
992.2 Carrera T Cabrio
992.2 GT3 Touring Manual
992.2 GT3 Weissach PDK
992.1 ST
992.1 Sport Classic
More models of 992.2 should be coming soon, so stay tuned!
A topic is only closed when the most requested model in it is added to the game.
It allows us to provide a clearer picture to the Devs of how much interest there is for other variants of the model which received less votes originally.
So since most people wanted the 911 GT3 RS and it was added we now use this new topic to see how many people also want a 911 Turbo, Dakar, Carrera etc
If the topic was left open then the people who only voted for the 911 GT3 RS would still have their votes counted for the other models even if they have 0 interest in them being added.
In my opinion, it still doesn’t make sense. The OP had a significant number of votes, and then it was divided into boxes by car.
The GT3 RS was around 80% of the votes.
The 992 Turbo S was around 50%,
S/T, GT3 Touring around 30%…
All variants had more than 8 votes from the current OP, some much more, which doesn’t indicate the actual number of votes they received, so it doesn’t make sense…it would have made sense if only the GT3RS box had been removed.
Not everyone who visits this forum every week does so; most won’t even know that the previous OP no longer exists and a new one was created.