Porsche 356 (racing spec) 1948-1961

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Porsche 356 (racing spec)

This model has been represented in Forza games as the

  • 1951 Porsche #46 356 SL (FH4-FH5)

Jim Clark’s 356


Sam Tordoff’s 356

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A 1958 356A Speedster

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Icon is likely an understatement for this, the car that started what would become one of the most iconic racing brands ever, this one won the 1100cc class at LeMans 1951, by such a large gap that it also beat every 1500cc car that raced. This one specifically was restored by Rod Emory (who also worked on a few more 356s besides this one) in late 2015/early 2016

Also seen on Jay Leno’s Garage


İts Coming on series 26!

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We need the 356 SL in Motorsport

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Porsche 356/B Carrera GTL Abarth

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