Poll: Have you stopped playing FM23?

I have given up.

I would add, that the poll results are probably going to be skewed towards people still playing the game, because those, who have stopped playing, probably visit this forum now less or have given up on that as well.


Although it has many issues I’ve got to be honest. I’m playing it everyday and it’s hooked me. I’ve done all the career but I’m trying different cars.
I’m really enjoying online most TC and GT. I’m driver level 836 with 300 hours played. I feel a bit embarrassed enjoying it with its issues . So fed up with GT 7 it bores me beyond belief. There’s no career with the awful AI. I just love FM physics on a pad it feels so good and that’s what’s hooked me. If they give it some love it could be really good. I’m hoping more career races get added.


i am still playing, but a lot less than i used to. when the game launched i was putting in 20-30 hours a week, now its probably 2 or 3

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I think it’s important to let TPB know that a lot of us are only playing for certain reasons, and not just because we all think the game is perfect and needs no improvement.

Like many, I think the physics are the best there is on a gamepad.

If FM still drove like FM7, I would have quit a long time ago… Especially, with the horrible car leveling and XP unlock system.

However, I can give credit where credit is due. I give the physics team credit for the massive improvement on making the cars feel weighty, like they have grip and like you’re no longer skating on ice.

Others have commented this has come at the cost of feeling like there is more understeer, but I think this is because since the cars feel more realistic, that understeer that is present in real world road cars is emphasized more, now? You can still tune it out, and most race cars are NOT understeery at all.


I play a bit, but not nearly as much as I have in the past. Partly it is because of the upgrade system. Partly it’s because most of my mates start online racing just before my kids start going to bed.

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Tricky one. In theory I still play it, because if and when the game works, the racing is fun. But then I go into the featured multiplayer section, and the open S-class hopper has a 20-minute wait time and starts on a track I despise, and go to another hopper I’d like to play, say this week’s Formula 70’s and it also has a 20 minute wait time, and also starts on the same track I hate, I quit the game and go do something else. I’m also getting bored with the small amount of cars I can choose from that are leveled up enough to be race ready. I’d like more cars, but I can’t stand the ball-ache of grinding 1 particular car for 2-3 hours to get it to a level where I can make it race ready. Especially now that they made it so it’s impossible to AFK-level up, the “are you still playing” pop-up stops everything, and it also seems that if no input is received the car automatically drives itself into a wall.

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this whole cxp system drains all the fun out of this game .
also it barely has any single player content that is not FOMO related .
forced car locks to championships , horrible .


I run a club that races online every Monday, that’s what keeps me going.

The multiplayer is the best thing this game has to offer, and when I asked Turn 10 in 2017 to “look at GT Sport and copy as much of it as you can”, it seems they’ve done just that.

Car XP grind is still rather slow and severely limits what I feel like doing in-game.

I think I’d be happy if the XP rate were doubled, or if only an hour of driving was needed to max out a car. I might try driving/buying more/different cars then.

Also, livery editor is broken and unusable for me :slightly_frowning_face:


Only thing that will make me come back to this game is game pass quests.

What killed it the most its the leveling system… having to AFK farm 3 hours one single car for it to be competitive enough to take it into a race just to find out that its trash… lame and a very waste of time, they need to get rid of it.

More than half the hours I have put into this game has been AFK grinding cars.


I still play. Forza Motorsport is not perfect and need a massive amount of improvement. I still find the actual racing to be good. Even though I like playing the game, I will not ask others to play this game in its current state.


As of right now, 12/23, the poll is almost even:

54% are still playing
46% have quit

This surprises me.

While there probably is a bias on this forum of more people continuing to play, I still think it’s very important for those of us who are continuing to play, to tell T10 why because we need to make sure they know it’s not because we think the game is perfect, or even at acceptable levels, for a full price retail release.

Forza Motorsport has A LOT of problems.

Overall, it resembles a Alpha/Beta, Early Access release in technical terms.

There are a myriad of bugs, some game breaking. It has an overall lack of polish as well. It just doesn’t look, or feel like a retail release even if that might seem subjective.

As far as content, it lacks the most for any Forza game, ever, in the entire franchise. This includes Horizon.

This is something that needs to be addressed quickly once they get back from Winter break in 2024. The current “once a month update” cannot sustain the already low player base. This game will be dead in 12 months when most of the missing content… Namely, tracks… Will most likely have been released?

I, for one, will move on much faster if we don’t see a bulk of the tracks released within the next three months.

Ideally, this also includes new cars as well, but new tracks, is what is going to keep a track focused game fresh more than what you can drive on them… Because I can go to other Forza games, including Horizon, and drive the same car(s) there, but in an open world.


I agree, I’m pretty sure they have most of the tracks (like Yas Marina and Hockenheim) done before the game came out… but they prefer to release them on a monthly basis.

They haven’t worked on anything new since the launch of the game other than bug fixing.

They should release whatever they have already, the game lacks a lot of content to be releasing it little by little.


Like I said elsewhere, Turn 10 has weeks, not months. The next XBox quarterly earnings report is a little over a month away, and they really don’t seem to have much to show for it; they picked the last report to shoot their shot with regards to both Activision-Blizzard and Starfield.

EDIT: Did I say a little over a month? I meant one month exactly - looks like the Q2 call will be around the fourth week of January.

It would be more appropriate to say I never started because I will not give the carpg system my time, nor will I give MS&T10 my money while it’s in the game.

All cars road and race cars are understeery bar the bugged cars (LMP1). There’s too much grip, not enough slip, and lap times compared to Xbox one’s Forzas reflect that. Cars are up to 10 seconds slower on longer tracks.

Yeah, the pendulum swung way too far in the other direction. This game’s handling and default setups are just wrong. I forget what poster said this, but they had it right - it’s as if Turn 10 purposefully wrecked a lot of these cars from the start to force having to use upgrades.


That seems entirely plausible to me. I’m playing FM7 now and it seems to me like a lot of vehicles that are featured in the Forza Cup or whatever it’s called have very specific problems that need corrected through tuning or upgrades.


A lot of it’s got to do with the anti-squat/anti-dive. The team really needs to go through every single car and zero those settings out. The effects they have are too powerful to be setting it to the random and completely wrong levels that they do.

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Currently enjoying FM right now on my PC, then tomorrow on my new Xbox Series S.