I want to start a thread to highlight some Forza 4 photos posted in game. I think the art of “Browsing Photos” in storefront is waning and thought this might be a way to get some of you ‘Browsing’ once more ;]

Periodically, I will be posting random pictures that I find in Storefront - I hope that any of you reading will join and post some cool or interesting shots you might find.

Here’s all you have to do to help and join in this thread…

‘Browse Photos’ in storefont - find some cool shots, interesting angles, cool paints, etc.
Simply write down the gamertag of the picture
Head online and under COMMUNITY tab - pull down your gallery - insert the gamertag in the web address instead of your own and you will pull up their GALLERY
Save the photo - ( copying the URL location from here - could pose a problem later, as they may remove the picture from their gallery)
Load the photo to your Photo Sharing website and then post to this thread.

A few ‘proper’ guidelines…
Not posting of inappropriate designs or images - No posting of any ‘modded’ cars - glow paints, obvious ‘modded tunes’ etc. Just some cool shots of some of our Forza 4 community hard work and photography efforts ;]

I hope some of you will help ‘pump some more life’ into FORZA 4 and post – If by chance, if your viewing this thread and one of YOUR photos has been highlighted, give your self a ‘shout out’ and say ‘HEllo’ ;]

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I’ll kick things off here with some shots i found recently…


Lazzlo Gogolagg


Mini Joker Sp


Some pretty cool shots, guys ;] and a reason to head into Storefront ;] Comments welcome ;] Let these guys know what ya think ;]


This is still one of my favourite pictures taken by PoketRok. Paint by one of the DLK boys I believe.

And whats this…an early paint by KoolIROCZ on his storefront as well?

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Well - THANK YOU Pocket, for jumpin in and lending some FORZA 4 photo support :wink: REALLY appreciate your time and post :wink:

Anyone else been “Browsing Photos” ??!!

Anyone else been “Browsing Photos” ??!![/quote]

Yep, I have :slight_smile: And here are my selected few : )

General Tiiko97


[Lego] Poket Rok

[TTMW] RHOCamaro69

: )

{Edit: I’m experiencing some technical difficulties uploading the whole picture, sorry about that -. I’m not sure how to fix it : )}

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THANK YOU, CC !!! These shots look very cool indeed :wink: Thanks for the time AND effort :wink: FORZA 4 thanks you :wink:

Another batch of some cool shots I found…



Rangar Rabbit

Technique AU



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…been a long time since I’ve browsed this section of the Forums!

And since this sounds like a nice idea…

by LegionBear2

…picked from browsing recent photos.