People who like to race

I for 1 like a good racing game but it’s a joke how you get smashed off all the time so if you would like to race and with out people smashing you I’m looking at setting a private race up just for people who just like a fair race leave your gamer tags and I will set 1 up this Saturday thanks

I would LOVE to do some clean fair racing, however, my availability is hard to plan. My gamertag is WritesCode4Food and it’s true, I’m a software developer and can’t plan hours between my job and my family, however, if we connect on XBL and your racing I’d love to get involved in some racing without worrying about someone forcing me off the road on purpose. I don’t mind when a guy loses it on a corner and apologies, it’s the ones that purposely drive you off the road I can’t stomach.

Try this group. We are all keen and clean racers.

Link to post.