[PC]Forza freezing after track intro (post loading)


Since yesterday i can’t play the game because of this , I start a game , the track loads and then after the track intro(with name , circuit version ,etc) the game just become stuck in that screen , only the clouds in the sky continuing their animation , other than that i cant do anything , i cant skip the track intro(even when its not stuck , when it’s showing the track name , etc) This is happening with every track , and every version of the tracks.

track intro bug images

My pc specs are:

Intel core i7 7700
12 GB DDR3
Nvidia GTX 1070

Apparently , this bug doesn’t occur on the Driver’s Cup events , only in Free Play (not tested MP yet) , I think that is something with the drivatars loading , because on Driver’s Cup I can see the list of drivatars before the game enters into the track intro , and in free play . not

Prints :

Free play loading menu : Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Driver’s Cup menu : Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Other things that I noticed were : The loading on Free play to enter on the track intro it’s much faster than the Driver’s Cup and the Driver’s Cup menu it’s a bit laggy on the controls(I need to press a lot of times LB and RB to change the tabs , while on free play this doesn’t occur)

I’m having the exact same problem since yesterday, everything works fine with career and even online races, but freeplay stays stuck on the loading screen. I’m on Xbox though, so it’s not a PC only issue.