Optional side- and rear view mirrors in hud

I’d like to see optional mirrors even in in-car pov. There could even be a couple of size options (s/m/l) to choose from. Specially with the emphasis on motorsport and racing, awareness of your surroundings is super important and for example now if I use a steering wheel with a dash cam (no on-screen wheel) there’s very little indication on what’s going on behind or next to you.

At least add those rear view mirrors with multiple panels that extend to the sides so we get to see more.

This would be a great upgrade for people that use wheel setups or non-chase camera views, or both.

I also want to use that camera but not being able to see the rear view mirror is a game breaker.

This is my number one gripe with in-car cameras in racing games. Flicking the right stick to see the mirrors causes the game world to swing wildly. Disorienting and not at all conducive to situational awareness while trying to negotiate a high speed corner in a tight pack of cars.

The bumper and hood cameras have a window representing the rearview mirror. Make that an option for both in-car cameras. Or better yet, all cameras! Rearview mirror at the top. Center, or to whichever side it is from the driver in the actual car. Bottom right and left corners of the screen… side mirrors if the real car has them. And for a little extra flavor, make them the same shape and relative size as the real mirrors in the real car. You have already fully modelled those mirrors in the game.

On a side note relating to in-car viewpoints, when I flick the right stick to look to the side or behind, why is the camera no longer inside the car? Get out your OG XBOX and plug in TOCA: Race Driver 2. When looking behind you in car, you are looking through the rear window of the car. Please keep the camera where the driver’s head is, and give us that full imersion.

hello, would it be possible one day in a future update to have an option in the menus which would allow us to add in cockpit, pilot and hood view a view on the mirrors which would be like the hood view with the central mirror ?

because when we drive with the hood, cockpit and driver views we do not see the other cars arriving on our right and left sides.

an option to be able to activate them and be able to adjust their height as well as their size, it will be really useful in multiplayer and solo with its three views.

for flying players it will be really useful and for controller players I think also even if they play in third person view most of the time, if we put the side mirror available with all the views.

Turn10 at least give us the option to have the bumper rear view mirror for all the camera views.

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