Option to remove barn find cars

I would like to be able to remove barn find cars would it be possible in the next coming update to allow us to select either auction a barn find car or remove barn find from garage.

you know if they do this that next week they will have a race or something you will need that barn find you got rid of.

And all of the people who accidentally remove their barn find cars will complain because they cannot get them back.

There are only a handful of barn finds and they don’t take up many slots in the garage limit.


or have to buy them back for millions but i do like the suggestion cause i was thinking the other day why cant i sell this i never use it and prob never will maybe for a photo slam it big wheels camber lol

I would also like to delete the barn finds from my garage, however this has already been deemed a “by design / no fix” by Playground so it’s not going to happen I’m afraid :neutral_face: