Open Car Compartments for Photo Mode

My intuition for creating this forum post would be to cordially ask the developers for a feature that I and many people who like to take pictures in Forza Horizon 5 and others have been waiting for so long and that we don’t know when this feature will actually arrive for us. . I’m talking about the option to take pictures with the car’s compartments open, such as doors, engine cover and etc… anywhere on the map, as it happens inside ForzaVista, and in eventual pictures of advertisements of the game, as I’ll leave some images below. We would really appreciate it if you would analyze this task and put it in photo mode as soon as possible, as I believe this function will add a lot to the game and to those of us who love to take pictures in it. I have a photography page called @forzaclick and that’s where I started the subject. Thank you very much in advance! :v:t2::smiley: