Hi Guys and Gals,
Im Glenn, 43 from Dorset, England.
Ive set up a club for the over 40’s called The Old Fogies club…
I want the club to be more about the fun and social side rather than piling into to other drivers at 200mph…
We may be old but we race clean !!!
Search for the club tag OFFO and drop me an invite…
Look forward to hearing from you (let me get my hearing aid out 
Best wishes Glenn - Nitro NoddyUK
Sounds just the club for me!! I turned 40 in June so I will be a young 'un…LOL.
Next time I am on I will look for the club.
Exactly the club I’m looking for, I’m 57 from Sweden and looking for a club for mature players in Europe, But I saw too late that your club is on 360, so I’ll have to look further 
I have sent request in game, cheers.
Hey I’m near enough 40. Looking for social meets rather than destruction derby game meets. I’ll send you a request. My GT - DissOrDer 8280
Sounds like a good club.
Tried some random online free roam, but being 34 and talking to 14 year old racers just wasn’t working out for me 
If anyone wants to invite me, my GT is : Telderman
I’m from the Netherlands, so on ( UTC/GMT +1 hour ) time