Official Weekly FH5 Photo Competition - Week 118

Welcome to the official weekly Forza Horizon 5 Photography Competition! This competition is open to all players.

This week’s deadline is 2024-06-07T03:00:00Z (Thursday night Pacific time).

Judging will be done by Forza staff and winners will be announced Wednesday, June 12.


Use Photo Mode to save a photo in Forza Horizon 5, Share the photo so it’s visible to all players in game. We will consider all shared game photos via one or both methods:

  1. New photos: When saving your photo, enter the current code words in the Description field. This week’s code word for the description is PhoRev118. All photos with this Description will be found in search and considered. Posting in this thread is not required but we encourage you to add your photo to this thread so others can see it!

  2. Existing photos: Older or previously entered photos that do not come up in search will not be automatically considered entries; you must post them in this thread. You do not need to update the description in game. Be sure to include your gamertag and the Share Code of the photo (found in the Creative Hub > Photo Gallery or My Creative Hub menu).

Please use one post and include no more than 3 photos.


You may submit more than one photo per week, with these caveats:

  • Winners from the previous week are not eligible to win this week.
  • Only one photo per person will be eligible for selection, determined by the voting team.
  • Share Limit: While we appreciate the enthusiasm to participate and the ease in sharing multiple photos, users who create an unreasonable burden on the voting staff by sharing an excessive number of photos in a given week may have all their entries disqualified for the current week and the following week. Please be considerate and conservative in the number of tagged photos you share in game.
  • You may not submit entries with multiple gamertag accounts.
  • All submissions and comments must adhere to the Forza Code of Conduct - Note: We have a stricter standard for appropriateness on content to be featured on Forza channels; we cannot declare winning entries that include alcohol/tobacco brands or names, license plates with lettering that can be perceived as inappropriate, or entries from inappropriate gamertags, regardless of in-game enforcement status.


  • The five winning photos will be featured in game for one week in the game Creative Hub > Photo Gallery > Featured menu. (Featured photos can help generate activity to unlock Creative Accolades.)
  • Photos may also appear on our page.
  • The individual winners will receive a gift a car of the player’s choice, not including DLC or Accolade-only cars. Exclusives and Hard-to-Find cars can be chosen. Winners are required to DM me (T10ManteoMax) with their choice.
  • Your photo may be shown during official Forza livestreams and potentially on other official Forza social channels.



Hi, here are my photos for this week:

Name : red bomb
SC: 168 335 835

Name : long road
SC : 176 266 138

Name : trip with Friend
Sc : 251 194 605

(I was inspired by a photo I saw on Instagram And unfortunately I don’t remember the name anymore, sorry)

I hope that you like it :+1:t2:.

GT : FabulusfabW16


165 052 386

120 665 801

108 232 196

gt: WavyVeronika470


Gamertag: undockedbirch17
Share code: 143 515 513

Share code: 104 146 528

Share code: 865 734 952


Hope y’all are doing well! Leaning into the Retro theme this week! Good luck! :raccoon: :four_leaf_clover:
GT: DaBasedRaccoon

Code: 180 546 997

Code: 607 101 958

Code: 306 518 216


GT - Al3rt98

312 249 132

951 682 274

499 578 552


GT: Luca31333

164 343 995

157 451 366

145 825 779




*Name: * Chicken out past
SC: 155 623 101

Name: Dirty boy
SC: 173 516 618

Name: Old man market
SC: 144 287 486


GT: Skylxrd3448
SC: 114 309 762

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I didn’t think I could love this game anymore… Then you went and did something like this … amazing. I’ve been listening to Synthwave lofi girl yt for months, and just watched Ready Player One and Blade Runner 2049 last month … you were reading my mind :heart:

hello everyone!!

GT: bacillust

photo 1 name: Street swiper
sc: 725 894 582

photo 2 name: #Paulrever
sc: 161 159 398

photo 3 name: Hyundai n 74
sc: 140 651 794

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Gamertag: Barlemon

SC:164 364 694

SC:159 326 011

SC:573 177 446

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I’m really going to miss the Huracan. One of the best looking cars of all time


Heres my one entry for this week
GT Fireprofcargo7
SC 101 640 784

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Just want to join for fun :slight_smile:
GT: Pk991YT
S.C: 159 112 321

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Nickname DP1PH

462 628 802

232 408 826

112 852 708