Not getting your Dodge Dart Horizon Edition

I have very seven races came in second online still haven’t received it I reset my Xbox three times has anybody else had this problem please let me know thanks

Still haven’t got my Dodge Dart Horizon Edition this it happens several times on when they run these events has anybody else had this problem a couple people online said they actually got them I went and bought some I was just wondering why I didn’t get mine and threading the needle I did that about a hundred times let me know thanks if you help me fix it I’ll buy it when I buy out when you’re cars

What does your achievements tracker say
Does it say you completed them

Have you tried hard resetting / cold booting your console properly yet as is suggested if the achievements arent popping

Another problem could be if your garage is full…maximum 550 cars

You have tried in the last hour since the timer was messed up and it said that the forzathon was open an hour early but it actually wasn’t