New To Tuning

I’ve always played Forza but never took the game serious.

Are there any tuners out there that have YouTube Videos etc .

Or any topic forums I can check out?

Check nastys thread if you want a guide it’s pretty spot on. If you want to try some of my tunes check my thread, if you like them I’ll work with you and show you how I work my set ups. Some of them are pretty out there others are easy going.

Also check out the thread called flash tune in here… lots of great info in there

I think MoneyMan3000 has some good YouTube videos for various games. Many concepts he covers will carry over from game to game.

If you have any questions feel free to ask any of us ERS members! We would be glad to assist you! We have some very good tuners on our team. Message one of us and we’ll direct you to the correct person to talk to. We all drive different and have different tuning styles. We should be able to help you.